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08:08:29<tech234a>Skype may be getting discontinued: https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft/microsoft-is-reportedly-killing-skype-after-14-years-of-neglect
08:46:31<eggdrop>nitter: https://nitter.net/TheBobPony/status/1895392897530499526
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10:15:24<pabs>does AB follow <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" ? I always forget :/
10:26:36<pabs>a scary future for archiving: https://joeyh.name/blog/entry/WASM_Wayland_Web_WWW/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43202773
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14:06:51<h2ibot>Cooljeanius edited Skype (+238, shutdown imminent): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54498&oldid=45853
14:08:52<h2ibot>Cooljeanius edited Deathwatch (+166, /* 2025 */ add [[Skype]]): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54499&oldid=54493
14:10:52<h2ibot>Cooljeanius edited Skype (+69, use templates): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54500&oldid=54498
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16:37:54<@arkiver>yzqzss: very nice! i wonder, how did you collect these?
16:38:29<@arkiver>ah, i see basically a bunch of sources there next to the big list
16:39:58<@arkiver>yzqzss: we would also discovery sites while crawling, i'll get you a list of those when we have that
17:18:26<h2ibot>Exorcism edited Goo.gl (+37): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54501&oldid=54480
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17:38:24<pokechu22>pabs: IIRC AB follows meta refresh but not the actual refresh header, but it might be the other way around
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19:19:24<@JAA>https://www.motorsportimages.com/ is shutting down on Monday (2025-03-03). There are 29 million images according to https://www.motorsportimages.com/corporate/archive/ . The actual images are paywalled, and a lower-resolution watermarked version appears on the web pages.
19:20:35<@JAA>Photos can be enumerated as https://www.motorsportimages.com/photo/-/1020492559/ (or anything else in place of the dash). Collections likewise as https://www.motorsportimages.com/collection/-/92328/ .
19:22:12<@JAA>The contents are (being?) migrated to Getty Images, who acquired them last year: https://newsroom.gettyimages.com/en/getty-images/getty-images-acquires-motorsport-images-a-specialist-motorsport-archive
19:28:19<@JAA>Not sure about the ID ranges though...
19:31:59<h2ibot>JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+295, /* 2025 */ Add Motorsport Images): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54503&oldid=54499
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20:37:37<Exorcism>For zhubai: im going to search on Threads and Ecosia if there are any links that haven't yet been found c:
20:38:13<@JAA>monoxane: Did you ever get a reply from LFGSS/Microcosm about a list of sites?
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23:08:05<hueylewis>Hello. I wanted to ask about some archiveteam megawarcs that went private earlier this year. My understanding is that this was done in response to the revelation that they were being used for training LLMs products. I'd like to know if they'll be made public again, or is there's a way to access a copy.
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23:12:19<hueylewis>Also, just an FYI, the BTIH is still publicly available in the XML for these items. It's a trivial to add it to a torrent client from there and wait to see if it shows up in the DHT. Not sure if that's an archiveteam thing or an archive.org thing, but I wanted to make sure people were aware if not already.
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23:49:24<TheTechRobo>hueylewis: which collection are you specifically asking about?
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