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06:26:18 | <pokechu22> | angenieux2: I started an #archivebot job for https://www.cpplus.jp/ now. It's probably worth running the videos in #down-the-tube too |
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06:33:03 | <angenieux2> | pokechu22: Thank you. Will the youtube outlinks from archivebot job be collected and automatically sent to the youtube project, or is it a manual process? |
06:34:00 | <pokechu22> | It's a manual process (and I don't have much experience with the youtube project myself) |
06:34:52 | <Flashfire42> | Threw the main channel into Down the tube |
06:35:24 | <Flashfire42> | No guarantee it will get them in time we are majorly bottlenecked to the point where I on a single residential IP and running 1 process am temp banned on youtube project |
06:39:30 | <angenieux2> | I have no idea which livestreams are privated and which are left public (and how they decide this) because I see some that are still public from the 2022 event |
06:40:25 | <angenieux2> | Flashfire42: That's weird because I run 8 concurrent on a residential IP, and it seems to be uploading items fine |
06:40:47 | <Flashfire42> | angenieux2 I dunno but keep up the good work then hahahaha |
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07:35:20 | <h2ibot> | Bzc6p edited Deathwatch (-78, /* 2025 */ update [[Indafotó]] with date): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54504&oldid=54503 |
07:45:22 | <h2ibot> | Bzc6p uploaded File:Indafoto closure.png (Screenshot of shutdown notice of indafoto.hu…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AIndafoto%20closure.png |
07:54:23 | <h2ibot> | Bzc6p edited Indafotó (+873, detailed info on shutdown): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54506&oldid=54468 |
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08:38:11 | <@JAA> | The HEXUS forums are being wiped since about 20 minutes ago. I tried to qwarc them, but that was too late. |
08:40:47 | <@JAA> | The AB job got a good chunk of it, but it was banned a few days ago. |
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09:38:42 | <h2ibot> | OrIdow6 edited YouTube (+127, /* Site reconnaissance */ Link…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54507&oldid=54400 |
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19:49:42 | <h2ibot> | Pokechu22 edited Deathwatch (+251, /* 2025 */ https://forums.yogstation.net/): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54508&oldid=54504 |
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21:04:19 | <missaustraliana> | why is urls now only serving massive downloads? like hundreds of mb |
21:05:43 | <missaustraliana> | nvm, as i said that, it fixed itself |
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22:02:24 | <nicolas17> | who hosts optane10? it's refusing connections on blogger project |
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22:07:33 | <katia> | rewby i think |
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22:08:24 | <nicolas17> | we should make a list of who to blame for different issues /s |
22:09:39 | <katia> | * -> h2ibot |
22:10:24 | <nicolas17> | not katia as default? |
22:10:49 | <katia> | never me. im just a girl |
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23:11:05 | <@imer> | nicolas17: checking o10 on blogger, feel free to ping me for that stuff too |
23:11:15 | <nicolas17> | oki thanks |
23:12:57 | <that_lurker> | nicolas17: We can add imer to be the default on the blame list it seems :-) |
23:13:06 | <nicolas17> | >:3 |
23:13:23 | <@imer> | D: |
23:13:42 | <katia> | pick random op |
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23:30:21 | <h2ibot> | Himond000 edited Deathwatch (+183, /* 2025 */ add app.famitsu.com): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54510&oldid=54508 |
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