00:00:13<h2ibot>JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+204, /* 2025 */ Add Elitisti forum): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54493&oldid=54481
00:11:27<nicolas17>any progress uploading archivebot's backlog? >.>
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01:03:57<@imer>nicolas17: good timing, started uploading stashed ab stuff from the outage earlier. the other backlog on the ab target was cleared a while ago iirc
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01:05:45<@imer>will take an amount of months to catch up still, but it's going..
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01:28:15<Vokun>Is there any need for another AB pipeline?
01:38:28<pabs>always :)
01:39:47<pabs>well, thats an exaggeration, existing capacity isn't always full, but is sometimes full, like today
01:40:47<pabs>and when there are lots of things shutting down, higher available capacity helps. it also helps when doing big proactive things, like the 4-thousand job TuxFamily stuff
01:42:38<Vokun>I'm reading through the install.pipeline now
01:42:51<@JAA>That's outdated and inaccurate.
01:45:47<Vokun>What's the process for potentially setting one up / applying to run one?
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01:52:54<pabs>presumably obtain comput/network/power, get JAA to do the rest
01:54:18<Vokun>That's convenient
01:54:25<@JAA>Yeah, that's how it's been working for the past few years.
01:54:37<pabs>more pipelines also means more IPs too
01:54:59<pabs>if you have a choice of location its probably worth considering which one is more useful
01:57:21<nulldata>Even better if you can provide a location we don't currently have imo - like Japan
01:57:37<Vokun>I'm not sure where exactly it is located, but it's 'no preference europe
01:58:26<Vokun>Netcup RS 1000 G11 datechno got me hooked on these
02:05:13<pabs>and note the IP reputation might be reduced
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02:55:33<@JAA>Hmm, the RS 1000 isn't all that useful for AB due to the small disk.
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03:02:41<Vokun>Ah alright. Looking for closer to a TB or more?
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03:04:05<@JAA>Yeah, smallest we have, aside from specialty pipelines, is 1 TB, I think.
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03:08:33<@JAA>RS 2000 and RS 4000 are the interesting ones from netcup.
03:09:09<@JAA>Another point is that AB is already heavily leaning towards netcup. Like two thirds of the pipelines are there. Which isn't necessarily bad, but yeah.
03:14:58<@JAA>(RS 2000 deals with double disk space, to be more precise.)
03:27:29<Vokun>Almost all their deals are vps 😐️
03:27:45<nulldata>Yeah the winter deals are a bust
03:28:20etnguyen03 quits [Remote host closed the connection]
03:28:29<nicolas17>run a long cable from AWS to IA
03:30:19<yzqzss>Exorcism, arkiver: I made a zhubai list (756 lines so far) from multiple sources -> https://github.com/saveweb/zhubai-sources/blob/main/subdomains-deduped.urls.txt
03:33:23<nicolas17>damn, AWS Direct Connect costs $0.30/hour and $0.02/GB
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04:01:12<NatTheCat>holu heck lol
04:01:26<NatTheCat>yeah that'd add up pretty quickly....
04:02:34<nicolas17>NatTheCat: that's the way to get cheaper bandwidth
04:02:47<nicolas17>the regular price from AWS is $0.09/GB outgoing
04:02:54<nicolas17>fuckin scam
04:03:48<nicolas17>imer: from $0.09/GB to $0.02/GB! all you have to do is physically connect to them at an IXP and pay per port hour :x
04:06:12<eggdrop>[karma] 'AWS' now has -3 karma!
04:18:44<@imer>the 2nd one needs an extra 0 tbh
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08:06:53<h2ibot>Usernam edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+30, …): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54494&oldid=54418
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09:22:05<h2ibot>Manu edited Mailman/2 (-75, /* lists.copyleft.org already archived */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54495&oldid=54492
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10:18:20<AK>> "presumably obtain comput/network/power, get JAA to do the rest"
10:18:20<AK>This is why I find providing two AB boxes so easy 😂
10:18:22<eggdrop>[karma] 'JAA' now has 222 karma!
10:21:01<[tj]>if I could scrounge up some machines with ~8TB storage each how could they be put to work?
10:21:39<[tj]>the hackerspace got a donation of 17 2TB drives and some machines have appeared around them
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11:16:02<kirb>hi friends, wondering what can be done about the Twitch highlights change that's about to come in. limits streamers to holding 100GB in total. streamers I've talked to estimate theirs at hundreds of TB, and pulling these down is going to be extremely expensive, might not even happen in time. thoughts?
11:16:13<kirb>sorry, 100 hours, not 100GB
11:51:37<nstrom|m>we've started to talk about it over in #burnthetwitch:hackint.org
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17:16:34<h2ibot>Exorcism created Zhubai (+20, Redirected page to [[竹白]]): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Zhubai
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20:21:12<nicolas17>is the twitch stuff documented on the wiki yet? so we can just give a link to the 20th person who asks >.>
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22:23:22<@JAA>It's on Deathwatch at least.
22:24:27<@JAA>NANOG will upgrade from Mailman 2 to 3 in a bit over 24 hours: https://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog-announce/2025-February/000557.html
22:24:46<@JAA>It's behind Buttflare with TLS fingerprinting.
22:25:04<@JAA>> the existing static archive will be
22:25:04<@JAA>> maintained for historical link purposes.
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23:38:10<NF885>I don't remember whether archiving Twitter through Nitter works anymore
23:38:33<NF885>but probably useful to grab this account if so: https://x.com/AndyHazelton/status/1895218990257185158
23:38:34<eggdrop>nitter: https://nitter.net/AndyHazelton/status/1895218990257185158
23:39:08<NF885>because of "I will probably be deactivating this account for a variety of reasons soon"
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