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02:10:11<Adamvoltagex|m>are we across hexus.net?
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02:48:15<pabs>Exorcism: does Baidu have their own search index? or do they use Bing/Google/Yandex like DDG does?
02:50:15<pabs>Adamvoltagex|m: forums.hexus.net got an AB on the 24th. anything else?
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03:19:02<@JAA>To be clear, it was started on the 24th, but it's still running (though currently stalled due to a possibly cookie-related issue).
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12:34:09<h2ibot>Manu edited Discourse/archived (+88, Queued community.frame.work): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54484&oldid=54447
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14:21:20<Exorcism>pabs: i think baidu have their own search index yeah
14:22:13<Exorcism>arkiver: https://github.com/saveweb/Zeno/tree/zhubai I don't know if "saveweb" plans to archive it on their side but here is the repo they prepared
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14:25:41<@arkiver>Exorcism: i do plan on bringing up a project for it yes
14:27:04<@arkiver>Exorcism: it looks like discovery will be the most problematic part, so if anyone has lists, those would be very welcome
14:33:57<@arkiver>Exorcism: here is a very limited list, far from complete https://transfer.archivete.am/12Bwhn/zhubai.txt
14:33:57<eggdrop>inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/12Bwhn/zhubai.txt
14:53:15<@arkiver>going through stuff that is shutting down
14:53:35<@arkiver>i see a significant crawl of brickshelf.com https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/202501260002564nxaj
14:53:50<@arkiver>does anyone know if the crawl was successful and the site is fully archived?
14:56:03<@arkiver>looks like we also have a copy of foro3djuegos.com already https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/20250207145646m3i1h
14:59:49<@arkiver>though i see foro3djuegos has threads that are not in the Wayback Machine yet
14:59:58<@arkiver>does anyone know if it was saved succesfully?
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15:09:04<@arkiver>we got a bunch of stuff coming up
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15:09:46<@arkiver>main ones first are #dailydemotion (dailymotion), #burnthetwitch (twitch, limited archiving due to size), #brookgalaxy (torrentgalaxy, falling apart)
15:13:08<@arkiver>after that there is "SSブログ" (blog.ss-blog.jp), "魔法のiらんど" (maho.jp), and "竹白" (zhubai)
15:13:22<@arkiver>so a bunch of sites from asia, fun :)
15:13:54<@arkiver>Exorcism: i did notice zhubai is not on the deathwatch list (as far as i could see)
15:15:28<@arkiver>but yes at some point we might replace the deathwatch list with something better structured
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17:32:26<Webuser391218>Greetings! Can someone helping me archive those links and their subpages? They are going to shutdown in around 5, 6 hours, thank you!
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17:58:42<nicolas17>arkiver: brickshelf is a very straightforward web1.0 site, I'm pretty sure archivebot made a comprehensive crawl, and it seems the site hasn't had new content since june
17:59:21<nicolas17>arkiver: as for foro3djuegos, some threads were probably created after the archivebot job (since the forum is still open), others may have been missed due to the obfuscated links that I documented in https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Foro_3DJuegos
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19:12:44<Exorcism>arkiver: from twitter https://transfer.archivete.am/PIgxa/zhubai.txt
19:12:46<eggdrop>inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/PIgxa/zhubai.txt
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21:14:54<Stagnant_>http://www.elitisti.net/forum/ Finnish discussion forum with earliest posts from 2003. Registrations were closed on 09/2024 and it was announced that the forum will be shut down "within a year". Could someone add it to AB? Thanks
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22:15:00<@JAA>Stagnant_: Sure. Do you have a link to that announcement?
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23:39:53<Stagnant_>JAA: http://www.elitisti.net/forum/topic/11254-foorumi-suljetaan/ its in finnish but it basically says they are moving to discord and also mentions that the finnish national library captured the forum in 2022 (available for public to browse in six libraries)
23:43:52<eggdrop>[karma] 'Discord' now has -23 karma!
23:46:34<@JAA>Stagnant_: Thanks, I've started a job.