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00:43:34 | <h2ibot> | PaulWise created Bulletin board system (+790, create page): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Bulletin%20board%20system |
00:56:36 | <h2ibot> | PaulWise created BBS (+35, add a redirect): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=BBS |
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02:09:51 | <h2ibot> | PaulWise edited The WARC Ecosystem (+205, add curl fork): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54407&oldid=54286 |
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02:21:14 | <Webuser469982> | Hello! |
02:21:14 | <Webuser469982> | I have a question about downloading a copy of an archived website. |
02:21:14 | <Webuser469982> | There is a website that no longer exists (https://www.math.ucla.edu/~greg/), and I would like to download a copy of the website (including subpages, and especially including the all pdf and ps files). |
02:21:14 | <Webuser469982> | I see that there is a copy of it on the Wayback Machine (https://web.archive.org/web/20221116020824/https://www.math.ucla.edu/~greg/). It feels incorrect to scrape the Wayback Machine copy, and after looking into it is seems that the page was archived by the Archive Team, and I should be looking to download the corresponding WARC file. However, I |
02:21:14 | <Webuser469982> | cannot figure out where to find this file. |
02:21:14 | <Webuser469982> | Am I going about this the right way? Any help would be appreciated. |
02:21:14 | <Webuser469982> | I am not sure if this is the right place to ask, if not please let me know where I should go instead. |
02:21:15 | <Webuser469982> | Thank you! |
02:22:58 | <pokechu22> | This is a good place to ask |
02:23:41 | <devkev> | Webuser469982: There is a wiki page on it that should be of help https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Restoring |
02:24:14 | <pokechu22> | I'm not seeing any archivebot captures at https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/?q=math.ucla.edu so it doesn't look like we did a full capture of the site, and thus there might not be a full WARC with that site (and only that site) available for download. It probably was captured as an outlink on a different site instead |
02:24:45 | <pokechu22> | You can get a list of all pages saved on web.archive.org at https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.math.ucla.edu/~greg/* though |
02:24:45 | <@JAA> | That particular capture comes from the #// project. |
02:25:06 | <@JAA> | And that most likely didn't get anything else from the site. |
02:26:26 | <@JAA> | The raw data for that project is not publicly accessible. |
02:28:34 | <Webuser469982> | Thanks. I had looked at the "Restoring" wiki page, which is why I thought I needed to find the WARC file, but I was finding it impossible to find the corresponding file on https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_urls, and saw that all of the main files were locked. |
02:29:12 | <Webuser469982> | So I guess if the raw data is not publicly accessible, the best I can do is scrape the data from the wayback machine site? |
02:30:04 | | pabs likes this to download sites https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader |
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02:31:46 | <Webuser469982> | Great, thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it. |
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02:44:49 | <@OrIdow6> | Since there was no ArchiveBot job it's likely that the data comes from a bunch of different crawls/collections anyway |
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03:48:35 | <h2ibot> | Klorgbane edited Pomf.se/Clones (+350): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54408&oldid=54305 |
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04:39:21 | <pabs> | https://www.mnot.net/blog/2025/02/09/decentralize-icloud https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42997647 |
04:39:28 | <pabs> | er wrong channel sorry |
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06:01:30 | <h2ibot> | Soy Luciano edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine/Partial exclusions (+61, Apparently, that controversial Ecuadorian…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54409&oldid=54183 |
06:02:31 | <h2ibot> | Jacroe edited US Government (+323, /* Content at risk */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54410&oldid=54395 |
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06:16:18 | <Hans5958> | I guess livestream surpassing usgovernment |
06:16:25 | <Hans5958> | In terms of speed |
06:17:37 | <Flashfire42> | wdym Hans5958? |
06:18:23 | <Hans5958> | Saw that livestream has 500 GiB/h, where usgovernment is ~350 GiB/h |
06:18:55 | <Hans5958> | This is looking at the dashboard CLI someone shared a while back |
06:19:45 | <Hans5958> | Might be fluctuative and wrong tho |
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11:27:11 | <eggdrop> | [tell] Notrealname123: [2024-06-16T01:08:48Z] <nulldata> "Maybe. A lot of apps these days use certificate pinning, which make it hard to MITM as they don't allow self-signed certs." |
11:27:44 | <Notrealname123> | Oh okay |
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13:15:25 | <pabs> | PSA: check out AB 4zkzcui1rq6nssr971w13r494 for many pics of cute woofers and kittys https://po.savethislife.com/image-pets/900164001122962.jpg |
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13:19:51 | <pabs> | 300k images to go |
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14:17:31 | <Webuser128076> | Greetings, mighty archivers! |
14:18:25 | <Webuser128076> | May I humbly note, that there is a small possibility, of one of your great servers being slightly less reachable than usual? I receive a lot of messages `hel1.targets.rewby.archivete.am ( Connection timed out (110)` |
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15:13:40 | <@arkiver> | i'll be very little available over the next 15 hours |
15:14:00 | <@arkiver> | Webuser083076: on which project? |
15:15:28 | <@arkiver> | i may have missed pings over the past few hours due to IRC connectivity problems |
15:17:14 | <Webuser083076> | Different Webuser; the one who sent that left a few minutes later. |
15:17:28 | <@arkiver> | ah |
15:17:31 | <@arkiver> | both ending in 076 |
15:17:45 | <@arkiver> | Webuser083076: excuse me in that case :) |
15:19:54 | <that_lurker> | arkiver: you need a better znc host :-P |
15:22:37 | <@arkiver> | maybe, it was partially a local problem |
15:22:49 | <@arkiver> | but i have had problem every now and then |
15:22:56 | <@arkiver> | it's been working well for many many years though |
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15:49:28 | <@JAA> | Has it though? ;-) |
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17:22:15 | <AK> | Something something the lounge |
17:22:17 | | AK runs away |
17:25:20 | <@imer> | the lounge++ |
17:25:21 | <eggdrop> | [karma] 'the lounge' now has -59 karma! |
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17:25:49 | <AK> | uh oh |
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17:54:40 | <nstrom|m> | Re: above w/ hel1, seems down for mediafire & imgur and I don't think those have any other active targets atm. FYI arkiver / rewby |
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18:14:58 | <@arkiver> | JAA: somewhat given the absolute IRC n00b i was back then :P (and still am today to some degree) |
18:15:04 | <@arkiver> | but... i get your points... yes |
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18:26:40 | <@JAA> | :-P |
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18:53:48 | <mgrandi> | https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/11/health-agency-webpage-removal-lawsuit-00203582 |
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21:56:30 | <Vokun> | In the past 2 years I think i've only had 2 problems with matrix, but I do want to figure out the lounge as a backup at somepoint |
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22:14:04 | <eggdrop> | [remind] pokechu22: https://community.7daystodie.com/ for Tythesly |
22:14:40 | <pokechu22> | that was one that looked like it needed grab-site |
22:14:54 | <pokechu22> | hmm, though curl is working for me now? |
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22:18:00 | <pokechu22> | OK, it still doesn't like archivebot it seems |
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