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00:08:20 | <h2ibot> | Heinrich5991 edited Discord (+4, /* "Make your Discord guild public and…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54392&oldid=53177 |
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00:23:56 | <@arkiver> | retrospring and goo-gl are starting tomorrow, respectively #driedup and #urlteamwasright |
00:24:26 | <h2ibot> | Arkiver uploaded File:Retrospring-icon.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3ARetrospring-icon.png |
00:25:28 | <that_lurker> | ooo |
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02:48:47 | <h2ibot> | Emcapi edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+114, Added mention that rate limiting may relate to…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54397&oldid=54372 |
02:50:48 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+25): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54398&oldid=54276 |
02:50:49 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine/Partial exclusions/Twitter accounts (+39): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54399&oldid=53039 |
02:57:49 | <h2ibot> | TheTechRobo edited YouTube (+56, Remove references to Template:W2): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54400&oldid=54373 |
03:04:50 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+668, /* 2025 */ Add DGrin, EVGA Forums, Microsoft…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54401&oldid=54391 |
03:05:27 | <@JAA> | https://forum.watmm.com/topic/105468-ads/#comment-3003853 confirms the 2025-06-03 shutdown date, by the way, so not 'or sooner' as was previously mentioned. |
03:06:51 | <h2ibot> | TheTechRobo edited Running Archive Team Projects with Docker (+54, /* Can I use whatever internet access for…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54402&oldid=53593 |
03:06:52 | <h2ibot> | TheTechRobo edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+414, /* Can I use whatever internet access for the…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54403&oldid=54397 |
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13:26:02 | <Washuu> | hi team |
13:29:18 | <monoxane> | this isn't slack |
13:31:03 | <Washuu> | I noticed my VM of my warrior 4.1 grew significantly, to almost 50 GB. So I logged in, checked that docker overlay takes the space, so I dove into dockerspace. It looks like some remnants of previous jobs remained in /home/warrior/data/projects, mainly from livestream. |
13:31:03 | <Washuu> | can I delete the older folders there? |
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13:35:10 | <Washuu> | BTW: the warrior could have basic ssh/scp tools, but it's easy to pull them like apk install. please consider adding them, nonetheless. |
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13:40:15 | <Hans5958> | Looks cool, using it run |
13:40:18 | <Hans5958> | Oh whoops |
13:40:46 | <Hans5958> | *rn, was talking re. westonal |
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13:46:54 | <Hans5958> | Following up on the Indonesian ministries, here's the subdomains which I get with some tools: https://transfer.archivete.am/OJ592/ministryid2.txt. Do I need to do the protocols (http/https) for something like AB? |
13:46:54 | <eggdrop> | inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/OJ592/ministryid2.txt. |
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16:08:19 | <TheTechRobo> | Washuu: Are they actually taking up those 50GB? |
16:08:41 | <TheTechRobo> | See https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior#The_Warrior_virtual_machine_is_using_up_disk_space,_even_though_it's_not_running_a_project! |
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16:40:32 | <myself> | Washuu: You can just zorch the warrior VM and re-import the OVA at any time. |
17:05:03 | <Washuu> | ok, thanks. Yes, the incomplete downloads are still within docker filesystem, and as a result docker overlay takes a lot of space, and as a result the VM disk file grew up as well. I think I'll refresh the warrior from OVA tomorrow. |
17:11:24 | <that_lurker> | have you checked the warrios job log if it is still trying to upload a large video file or two |
17:12:18 | <that_lurker> | with a concurrency of 6 a few stream downloads can easily take a lot of space and if the target is sad the upload part can take time |
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17:45:09 | <Washuu> | yes, I've checked the current uploads. It's easy to distinguish obsolete ones, as their wget.log is at least 2 days old, and it ends with some error like `"vod.livestream.com" cannot be resolved` |
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19:30:34 | <lea> | I see that wget has support for creating WARCs |
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19:31:17 | <lea> | is that support good and can I use it instead of https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/grab-site/ to archive a web page? |
19:32:09 | <lea> | (I want to crawl a site that needs specific requests to output the data, and I can easily get wget to grab the site, but configuring grab-site to do the correct requests would probably take longer) |
19:33:59 | <@JAA> | lea: Upstream wget produces weird WARCs that many tools can't read correctly. See also https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/The_WARC_Ecosystem |
19:35:36 | <lea> | I see, thanks |
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21:40:05 | <PESP> | Hi! Just set the warrior up today, but the Available projects page says "Phooey… No warrior projects are available for participation yet!" |
21:40:06 | <PESP> | Is this normal for only having had the VM on for about an hour? I couldn't find an answer on reddit or the wiki and don't see any errors in my logs. |
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21:49:57 | <that_lurker> | no it sohuld show them immediately |
21:50:05 | <that_lurker> | s/sohuld/should |
21:53:17 | <@JAA> | #warrior |
21:54:03 | | that_lurker roars the warrior cry and does the windows switching command |
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21:59:05 | <PESP> | Okay, thanks! I'll try restarting it and maybe messing with network settings |
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