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16:01:36<gamer191>I’m new here. Will running the Warrior cause issues for other people in my household (such as by triggering “I’m not a robot” captchas)
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16:04:37<gamer191>I’m gonna leave this channel. I’ll check the IRC logs later in case anyone has responded to my message
16:04:41<@imer>gamer191: depends on the project, generally no - especially the auto-projects (not sure what exactly thats called in the ui, archiveteams choice maybe?) should be safe to run.
16:05:04<@imer>youtube will likely get your ip flagged currently
16:05:30<gamer191>Thanks imer. Do you know whether the US government archiving project is safe?
16:06:25<@imer>I believe so, yeah
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16:08:58<gamer191>Thanks imer
16:09:59<gamer191>I doubt anyone will, but in case anyone else wants to add to imer’s response, I will check the channel logs later. Bye 👋
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