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00:50:54<egallager>so, about the twitter-to-x renaming...
00:51:45<egallager>since they're now forcing redirects, what does that mean for all the twitter links on the wiki?
00:54:01<fireonlive>the AT wiki? i guess they'll just hit whichever hostname we happened to use and then x/twitter will redirect you
00:54:27<fireonlive>in one browser session i'm still on twitter.com, in another they've pushed me to x.com lol
00:56:31<fireonlive>i guess no harm in using x.com going forward, though updating all existing links would break stuff like wayback lookups
00:56:56<fireonlive>back when one could save those anyways..
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02:09:43<pabs>can AB extract URLs from PDFs? I found a domain that redirects to a PDF: alessandrosangiorgi.net
02:10:07<pabs>(personal domain, the redirect is to their CV)
02:11:13<fireonlive>it doesn't
02:11:34<fireonlive>#// does though
02:13:01<fireonlive>would be cool to somehow process pdfs archivebot comes across in urls
02:15:36<thuban>fireonlive: add *.pdf to your websocket watch setup?
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02:18:46<fireonlive>hmm yeah, we'd have some dupe (archived by both AB & urls) but probably not a huge amount size wise
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02:37:59<h2ibot>PaulWise created SmolNet (+1546, initial page): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=SmolNet
02:42:59<nicolas17>pabs: I finished uploading the State of the Map 2014 videos
02:43:00<h2ibot>PaulWise edited SmolNet (+0, typo): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52273&oldid=52272
02:43:11<nicolas17>but the item has been deriving for 5h now :D
02:45:32<@JAA>nicolas17: I have a derive for a video upload that's been running for a month. So settle in. :-)
02:45:40<nicolas17>....how long was that
02:46:25<nicolas17>also when I uploaded the first .iso, it derived in an hour or three
02:46:38<nicolas17>now I uploaded 10 more so I'm not surprised at the delay
02:47:23<@JAA>3 days continuous video in a couple large chunks
02:47:43<nicolas17>yeahhh I'm not surprised
02:47:48<nicolas17>especially if high-res
02:47:58<@JAA>Derive started on 2024-04-22, crashed at one point, and has now been running for over two weeks again.
02:48:06<@JAA>Yes, high-quality 1080p HEVC encode.
02:48:16<nicolas17>this is weird resolution
02:49:19<@JAA>It appears to be choking on the 131 GiB video file currently.
02:49:33<nicolas17>352x576 pixels, 4:3 display
02:49:38<@JAA>Well, since a week ago.
02:50:22<nicolas17>although some videos look stretched unless I override the display ratio to 16:10
02:51:56<nicolas17>I think they had the camera recording directly to DVD Video
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08:25:54<@OrIdow6>Looking a bit thru My Little Pony fan sites - many died in the mid-2010s, but https://rainbowdash.net/ is still around - rather strikingly the link to the software it uses in the footer now goes to a spam site
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09:29:16<c3manu>oh, funny: "A massive Microsoft outage affects Bing.com, Copilot for web and mobile, Copilot in Windows, ChatGPT internet search and DuckDuckGo."
09:46:58<hexa->can't believe ddg hasn't planned for such an outage
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10:00:17<eggdrop>[tell] whoom: [2024-05-22T23:31:11Z] <OrIdow6> I'm running everyponny forums, if you have more relatively inactive ones in that vein I do think archiving them would be a good thing
10:00:52<whoom> OrIdow6 Why does it say aborted?
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10:10:50<c3manu>apparently Ecosia has the same issues, guess t hey're also using the bing api
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10:19:32<immibis>every search engine is just three bings in a trench coat
10:20:10<immibis>bing bing wahoo
10:22:25<@arkiver>lol :P
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10:31:09<AK>This site seems to build the links to the pdfs based on a return json request, anyone clever enough to scrape the json to build the pdf links for every single one? https://epubs.ogc.nl/ is the site and https://epubs.ogc.nl/data/epubs returns all the data
10:38:54<@arkiver>AK: from https://epubs.ogc.nl/data/epubs take uuid and filename for a file in "files", then request https://download.ogc.nl/epub/<uuid>/<filename>
10:39:30<@arkiver>there are some cases without uuid, not sure about those. there are also some cases without filename, the filename is then <uuid>.<type>
10:41:29<@arkiver>the cases without uuid don't show in search on that site, i guess they are unavailable at the moment for public viewing
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10:46:23<katia>AK, i queued the output of https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/W9nrH/2024-05-23_ogc.nl-links.txt in AB now
10:50:11<AK>Amazing thanks both!
10:50:37<katia>not sure what's up with the .reader files they all seem to be 404ing
10:50:49<@arkiver>yeah only pdf and epub work i think
10:52:39<@arkiver>you have https://download.ogc.nl/epub/b3e42acb-4536-4548-bfe9-4b1f885ef014/j.wijnia.epub.pdf in there
10:52:51<@arkiver>.pdf added because the type was pdf, but the filename itself ended with .epub
10:53:02<@arkiver>https://download.ogc.nl/epub/b3e42acb-4536-4548-bfe9-4b1f885ef014/j.wijnia.epub works (without .pdf)
10:53:08<@arkiver>the one with .epub.pdf does not work
10:53:25<@arkiver>i *think* if there is a filename, you don't have to add an extension
10:53:30<@arkiver>you can rely on the filename
10:53:45<@arkiver>if there's not filename, then uuid+extension needs to be set
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10:56:24<katia>i think i was trying to fix the .reader links with that anyway
10:58:43<katia>but yeah adding the extension to those yields a 404 anyway
10:59:50<katia>flipbook -> https://ogc.nl/flipbook/pdf/e.neelis.pdf
11:01:07<@arkiver>oh yay :)
11:01:47<@arkiver>katia: when you have a full correct list, can i have it too? i'd like to queue it to #// so we get the outlinks from all PDFs as well
11:02:15<katia>yeah, checking if .reader is grabbable too
11:03:45<AK>arkiver read my mind, this came up in AB because the company is bankrupt so I thought it was worth trying to grab everything as much as we can
11:05:04<katia>not sure that .reader is easily grabbable, seems to load the book in chunks via js or something
11:08:00<@arkiver>when there is a uuid and a reader, there is always a PDF right katia ?
11:08:06<@arkiver>then we should be good with the PDFs
11:08:16<katia>no some books only have optima reader
11:08:44<katia>but those also don't have a uuid
11:09:07<katia>and don't appear on the website
11:09:18<katia>so skipping type=reader is fine i suppose
11:11:45<katia>flipbook is also not always a pdf
11:12:04<katia>sometimes html+js like optima, like for 227b865f-4e60-468c-ad82-5f9c0afb3be6
11:12:12<katia>and sometimes there's only flipbook
11:14:43<katia>arkiver, https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/jGwUv/2024-05-23_download.ogc.nl-links-attempt-2-3515105045.txt
11:15:33<katia>via https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/y70Xr/2024-05-23_ogc.nl-links-attempt-2.txt
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11:19:27<@arkiver>katia: queued, thank you!
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11:55:17<whoom>OrIdow6 > but rainbowdash.net is still around - rather strikingly the link to the software it uses in the footer now goes to a spam site
11:55:36<whoom>OrIdow6 we should be archiving it then, right?
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11:59:01<katia>!tell whoom i've started a job for rainbowdash.net on archivebot
11:59:02<eggdrop>[tell] ok, I'll tell whoom when they join next
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12:05:51<eggdrop>[tell] whoom: [2024-05-23T11:59:01Z] <katia> i've started a job for rainbowdash.net on archivebot
12:06:36<katia>kind of. it failed (403) and now i'm waiting for the 2nd attempt to start
12:06:51<whoom>OrIdow6 katia This website is also near dead: canterlot.com
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12:09:50<katia>whoom, i started a job for canterlot.com and that one seems to be doing well for now
12:10:43<whoom>These ones are pretty alive but have lots of photobucket links and are probably worth archiving for that alone: mlptp.net mlparena.com
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12:23:08<whoom>!tell katia OrIdow6 These ones are pretty alive but have lots of photobucket links and are probably worth archiving for that alone: mlptp.net mlparena.com
12:23:09<eggdrop>[tell] katia is here - they should see your message :)
12:23:58<katia>whoom, i'll leave these for someone else to add to archivebot
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12:26:54<whoom>canterlot.com is going well. Was briefly at 30000ms but is now stable at 500ms and going DOWN
12:27:41<katia>the delay is set by people (in this case me) in #archivebot - fyi
12:28:22<katia>there's some 429 on /tags/ but those should get retried towards the end, there were tons of 405s (aws cloudfront) so that's why it was 30000ms
12:28:30<whoom>Wait this whole time I thought it was automatic lol
12:29:32<whoom>Wait so did you set it to 30000ms or was that automatic?
12:30:04<katia>i did
12:30:31<katia>/join #archivebot
12:36:17<whoom>rainbowdash.net seems to just use numerical ids. Could we just generate all of them and give it to archive bot?
12:44:10<whoom>Here’s the list of rd.net urls: https://transfer.archivete.am/LTZWc/rdnet-urls.txt.zst
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14:25:42<whoom>katia why are all of the images 404ing on rdnet?
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18:55:57<fireonlive>https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/issues/191 "I'd love to integrate with browsertrix / ArchiveWeb.page + ReplayWeb.page at some point in the future to improve our wacz support."
19:01:24<@OrIdow6>!tell whoom the first job was aborted shortly into its run, we then started a second one
19:01:24<eggdrop>[tell] ok, I'll tell whoom when they join next
19:02:20<@OrIdow6>Thanks katie
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19:05:39<nicolas17>why won't whoom stay here -_-
19:05:48<kiska>fireonlive: I am sure JAA will love this development!
19:06:15<fireonlive>for sure!
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19:16:57<fireonlive>Spotify's "car thing" to stop operating because... they just don't want to support it anymore. https://old.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/1cyx5bp/spotify_remotely_bricking_hardware_customers_paid/
19:17:17<fireonlive>https://carthing.spotify.com/ https://support.spotify.com/us/article/car-thing-discontinued/
19:17:41<fireonlive>>We recommend resetting your Car Thing to factory settings and safely disposing of your device following local electronic waste guidelines. Contact your state or local waste disposal department to determine how to dispose of or recycle Car Thing in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
19:20:15<fireonlive>looks like they killed the launch youtube video already: https://newsroom.spotify.com/2022-02-22/car-thing-from-spotify-is-now-officially-available-in-the-u-s/
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19:29:35<@OrIdow6>nicolas17: They're using the webchat it looks like
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19:33:10<nicolas17>"Contact your state or local waste disposal department to determine how to dispose of or recycle Car Thing in accordance with applicable laws and regulations."
19:33:32<nicolas17>I think companies discontinuing hardware products should be the ones figuring out how to dispose of the devices
19:34:16<nicolas17>you put this trash into the world, you clean it up
19:36:15<fireonlive>"Spotify first announced Car Thing in early 2021 and opened up sales in the US in early 2022, months after removing “Car View” in its mobile app."
19:36:33<fireonlive>that's a short lifespan
19:36:36<fireonlive>(via https://9to5google.com/2024/05/23/spotify-car-thing-dead/)
19:40:09<fireonlive>hm, the 'root your car thing' url from https://old.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/y9j2wp/release_spotify_car_thing_rootunlock/ is dead
19:41:17<fireonlive>oh, moved to https://oddsolutions.github.io/Spotify-Car-Thing-Root/
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20:22:03<kpcyrd>Contact your state or local waste disposal department to determine how to dispose of your car
20:38:42<fireonlive>hm yeah gone from https://www.youtube.com/@Spotify
20:38:51<fireonlive>kpcyrd: set it on fire? :D
20:42:33<kpcyrd>fireonlive: waste disposal department: bbq lighter on tire
20:45:06<h2ibot>Rexma edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+55, added https://nukibox.net/ and…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52274&oldid=52251
21:00:09<h2ibot>JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52275&oldid=52274
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21:39:35<fireonlive>notice of reap: at some point/soon™/eventually™ eggdrop will start reaping karma items that are sat at 0; since literally everything is intrinsically 0 until acted upon
21:39:44<fireonlive>i'm on some bad shit, lmk
21:39:51<fireonlive>if i'm on some bad shit, lmk*
21:40:18<eggdrop>[karma] stats: 297 items in the database. good: 160, bad: 111, average karma: 1
22:03:22<TheTechRobo>is average karma 0?
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22:14:04<fireonlive>apparently 1
22:14:08<fireonlive>but lots of 0 karma items
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22:20:13<eggdrop>[tell] whoom: [2024-05-23T19:01:24Z] <OrIdow6> the first job was aborted shortly into its run, we then started a second one
22:26:55<Notrealname1234>Cloudflare is good
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23:45:12<nicolas17>Apple has redesigned their developer forums https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=hufhlpow
23:45:28<nicolas17>if only we had known in advance to archive the previous one :/
23:46:45<fireonlive>developer forums
23:47:11<fireonlive>did they murder the old topics?
23:49:25<nicolas17>they seem to have migrated all threads yes
23:49:39<nicolas17>so no data is lost
23:51:32<fireonlive>oh good
23:51:35<fireonlive>but yeah would have been nice to
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