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00:50:14<h2ibot>TheTechRobo uploaded File:Post News shutdown message.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3APost%20News%20shutdown%20message.png
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00:50:54TheTechRobo does not know how best to add the shutdown message to the page
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00:51:14<h2ibot>TheTechRobo edited Post News (+102, Add deadline): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52271&oldid=52266
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02:21:35<StarletCharlotte>Does anyone want to run an archivebot job or something on this open directory? https://theretroverse.com/wp-content/uploads/
02:25:08<StarletCharlotte>It's run by the NESMaker team and has a lot of games in it. It's still being added to regularly, though I'm worried the directory will be made closed at some point.
02:28:30<fireonlive>StarletCharlotte: are they linked to from the main site?
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02:30:14<StarletCharlotte>fireonlive: A lot of them are, a lot of them aren't.
02:30:51<StarletCharlotte>Including some beta builds of some games in the Allison of Astra series.
02:31:11<StarletCharlotte>No idea why those are there, but they are.
02:33:51<@JAA>We should probably run the site with an ignore for /wp-content/uploads/ and a separate job for that. But AB's kind of busy right now.
02:34:35<StarletCharlotte>Alrighty. I'm guessing it's gonna be in the queue for a while, then?
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05:28:22<@JAA>arkiver: Did you get any response about pad.riseup.net? I see it's back up.
05:36:19<@arkiver>JAA: yeah they had an issue for a few hours and hoped to fix it within a day
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07:01:44<JaffaCakes118_2>@Harzilein haha thank you, the numbers at the end are random
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18:25:13<nicolas17>before Twitter locked things down further, we used to be able to archive tweets... how? archivebot? where *is* that data?
18:27:29<nicolas17>https://archive.org/details/twitterstream?sort=-date looks like there's some stuff here
18:29:50<that_lurker>a lot was done with nitter and nitter self hosted stuff through AB
18:34:07<nicolas17>I told the person who asked that the stuff in twitterstream is kind of old
18:34:27<nicolas17>and he said "that's okay it will have less racist content then" x_x
18:35:19<pokechu22>socialbot used archivebot for outlinks from tweets but the tweets themselves were saved in a different way, not sure where they ended up exactly
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19:03:05<eggdrop>[tell] whoom: [2024-04-22T22:27:41Z] <pokechu22> The only info on the WBM is https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://z6.invisionfree.com/Ponyville/* - and there probably aren't any other archives (or at least no other ones that could easily be found)
19:03:28<whoom>Nearly dead forum: https://www.everypony.com/forums/
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20:43:12<thuban>iirc / spot-checking old logs, socialbot used snscrape to generate a list of outlinks _and_ tweet links, which it sent to archivebot (plus started a non-recursive chromebot job for the user page)
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20:44:33<pokechu22>Right, but archivebot was ran with the notweets igset so it wouldn't actually save the tweet links (at least later on)
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20:45:15<fireonlive>iiaq: what's up
20:45:27<iiaq>Can you help me upload WARCs so they are viewable on the Wayback Machine?
20:45:28<thuban>pokechu22: til, not sure how tweets were saved after that change then
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20:47:11<fireonlive>iiaq: you can upload them to a regular item and they'll be put in an appropriate collection (the warc zone) automatically, but unfortunately they can't be added to the wayback machine
20:47:20<fireonlive>(also note that we aren't the internet archive)
20:47:58<thuban>because there's no way for the internet archive to determine whether they're genuine
20:47:59<nicolas17>iiaq: how do we know your WARCs are pristine and unmodified?
20:48:34<iiaq>Well they aren't done yet. I just started. How can I make them in such a way that they can be uploaded?
20:49:01<fireonlive>the best way is to ask here for a site to be archived and perhaps it can be run in #archivebot
20:49:28<iiaq>Does ArchiveBot work with sites that require logins?
20:49:55<fireonlive>unfortunately not, content behind a login wall cannot be added to the wayback machine
20:50:23<iiaq>Is there anything useful I can do with WARCs generated that way?
20:50:36<thuban>yes, upload them to the internet archive as an ordinary item
20:50:46<fireonlive>adding them to archive.org as an item (with proper metadata so it's easy to find) is a perfectly valid alternative
20:50:53<fireonlive>so others can find them and go though them
20:51:12<fireonlive>it's just the WBM is intended to be the 'public internet' as I personally understand it
20:51:14<katia>what is proper metadata?
20:51:46<fireonlive>title containing the site name, description probably containing tools used; originalurl field filled in
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20:52:03<fireonlive>(as well as anything else known)
20:52:39<fireonlive>proper is perhaps the wrong word, but at least some
20:53:08<katia>is originalurl a custom field?
20:53:18<fireonlive>(something other than: mywarcsimade)
20:53:45<katia>on https://archive.org/editxml/...
20:53:49<fireonlive>i know wikiteam/wikibot uses it, but unsure of its proclivity elsewhere
20:54:06<fireonlive>it is something one has to type in on their own though
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20:55:36<nicolas17>my IP address changed
20:55:49<nicolas17>I no longer have to use VPN/Tor to access opensource.samsung.com :D
20:56:44<@JAA>I'm not sure originalurl is used much elsewhere. I've also used 'source' before, which is even documented to be used that way 'by external users'; IA uses it for something different: https://archive.org/developers/metadata-schema/index.html#source
20:57:22<@JAA>(A complete metadata dump of IA would be neat.)
20:57:45<nicolas17>"External users often use this field to list a URL where the media content originated"
20:57:55<nicolas17>the metadata keys seem like such a mess tbh
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20:58:17<nicolas17>keys used for multiple purposes
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20:58:40<nicolas17>"scanner: Machinery used to digitize or collect the media"
20:58:43<thuban>don't tempt me, i have a very angry rant about periodicals
20:58:45<fireonlive>++ for a complete metadata dump
20:58:55<nicolas17>but if I try to put my flatbed scanner model there it gets overwritten with "Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3"
20:59:06<fireonlive>ugh yeah...
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21:29:38<@JAA>One that annoys me particularly is {previous,next}_item. These are specified to be item identifiers, but they don't get linked on the item page.
21:30:30<@JAA>I use them on some things where I upload monthly items, for example.
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22:27:56<fireonlive>nothing but lounge
22:31:19<katia>how many
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22:44:19<fireonlive>it was ~22 or so but it was also AB'd so it was offset a bit
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23:31:11<@OrIdow6>!tell whoom I'm running everyponny forums, if you have more relatively inactive ones in that vein I do think archiving them would be a good thing
23:31:12<eggdrop>[tell] ok, I'll tell whoom when they join next
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