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01:36:08<pabs>AK: yeah, I co-ordinated with the OSM admins on #osm-dev (OFTC) to get it saved, some discussion here too https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/149
01:39:18<nicolas17>this is the second time I see someone ask about it, maybe we do need a wiki page
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03:31:24<nicolas17>pabs: https://archive.org/details/stateofthemap2014-raw-recordings
03:39:55<nicolas17>let's see what the derivation looks like...
03:52:04<eggdrop>[karma] 'nicolas17' now has 6 karma!
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04:20:30<pabs>https://gone.domains/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40412959
04:22:29<nicolas17>fuck SEO
04:23:54<pabs>could be interesting for saving imminently dying sites
04:25:53<fireonlive>"Day 2, DVD 2 will not be uploaded as it contained the OSM Foundation general meeting." secrets
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04:53:51<nicolas17>fireonlive: I think that wasn't even supposed to be recorded but nobody told the video people that
04:54:27<nicolas17>oh derive is still running -_-
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16:43:45<Harzilein>JaffaCakes118_2: totally digging your nick, though the amount of numbers tends to spook me.
16:44:05<Harzilein>ot/bs mixup again
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16:48:17<rktk>Hmm. So a while ago I worked with nicolas17 to resolve long-document printing for unprintable Google Docs. adding /preview to the end of the URL + removing two stylesheet options, but that doesn't seem to be working anymore
16:52:02<rktk>easiest solution now is to use https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/single-file/ with the /preview workaround. No CSS editing needed
16:52:15<rktk>HTML is better than PDF I guess?
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17:46:46<pie_>thuban: here is another one adn-cis.org/forum
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18:31:15<@JAA>So via arkiver's AB job, I learned that https://defence.pk/ aka https://pdf.defence.pk/ aka Pakistan Defence (Forum) is back online. It had disappeared in January following an investigation by the Pakistan government (ft. family threats and other cool things) and started redirecting to quran.com at the time. It's been back up since sometime in April, it seems. Not known who operates it now, cf.
18:31:21<@JAA>discussion on the replacement board: https://defencepk.com/forums/threads/defence-pk-back-online.6359/
18:34:58<@JAA>(Last post in that thread is by the previous admin of defence.pk.)
18:44:00<@arkiver>JAA: i had no idea you were aware of it
18:44:05<@arkiver>someone else made me aware of this site
18:45:08<fireonlive>i always thought the pdf was like the file
18:46:31<Harzilein>three letter acronym namespace is _tiny_, so collisions are to be expected
18:46:52<@JAA>arkiver: Yeah, I ran an AB job under the pdf subdomain in December. Didn't finish in time, of course.
18:47:04<@JAA>They serve the same content under both domains.
18:47:29<@JAA>fireonlive: Not the probability density function?
18:47:55<fireonlive> 🤔
18:47:59<@arkiver>JAA: we're resuming the pdf job then i guess?
18:48:12<@JAA>No way to resume AB jobs.
18:48:18<nyany>i'll show you a density function JAA
18:48:23<@arkiver>hmm https://pdf.defence.pk/ just redirect to the main one
18:48:25<nyany>oh crap this isn't -ot? oops
18:48:35<@JAA>Oh yeah, it does redirect now.
18:48:43<@JAA>It just returned the same content at the time.
18:49:07<@JAA>But the subdomain seemed more commonly linked, so that's what I went with.
18:49:44<@JAA>I probably kept the database of the job, so we could run everything that wasn't retrieved there, but it'd be incomplete still due to pagination etc.
18:50:39<@arkiver>probably fine this way if we just grab a full copy of the main one now
18:50:57<@JAA>Well, depending on how long the site stays up, but yeah.
18:52:07<@JAA>I'll look into maybe qwarcing it, too.
18:54:28<@arkiver>alright :)
18:54:35<@arkiver>outlinks always welcome in #// !
18:58:27<fireonlive>arkiver: is there a 'process these pdfs only' kinda thing for #//?
18:58:42<fireonlive>i.e. they've already been saved by IA via AB or whatever but not been ripped through
19:07:47<@arkiver>fireonlive: what do you mean?
19:07:53<@arkiver>i can always queue URLs directly
19:07:57<@arkiver>i'll be off to be now though
19:08:17<fireonlive>arkiver: ah so we don't save the PDF twice or more times
19:08:31<fireonlive>iirc if you !a a txt file with a bunch of PDFs it'll save the PDF again
19:09:49<fireonlive>ah nvm i can't think today
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21:00:57<tmob>Hi all a video I'm searching for from google video was crawled in the project (https://web.archive.org/web/20110417171623/http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7507963840058831210#) but I've been told it wasn't included for some reason and that it should have been saved. Just wondering if that's true that it could have been saved and if so where
21:00:57<tmob>might it exist?
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21:32:21<tablechair>!archive https://www.boostmobile.com/
21:33:19<tablechair>hello, I would like help to have the ArchiveBot archive the entire website https:\\boostmobile.com , they have been been treating their poorer customers who were using a government support program to help pay for phone service unfairly, I am trying to help a civil rights advocate in archiving the website so he can have all the webpages save, with
21:33:19<tablechair>their policies and updates so that he can show they have been unfairly treating poor, disadvantaged and disabled persons.
21:34:26<tablechair>> !archive https:\\boostmobile.com
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21:36:03<pokechu22>tablechair: I've started an archivebot job for that
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21:36:20<tablechair>thanks pokechu22
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22:10:47<Notrealname1234>Can someone scrape https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Ajamboard.google.com&t=h_&ia=web ?
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23:24:09<nicolas17>https://archive.org/details/stateofthemap2014-raw-recordings got a playable mp4 video derived :D
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