00:00:02<TheTechRobo>yay|m: Would be worth looking into Librescore. There was a copy of all of MuseScore's library on IPFS at one point, but the dev received threats from MuseScore: https://github.com/Xmader/musescore-downloader/issues/5
00:00:28<nicolas17>I meannnn can musescore do anything to take it down from IPFS?
00:00:47<TheTechRobo>nicolas17: No, but it's worth archiving the surrounding stuff
00:04:07<@JAA>I should've split large forums and topics into multiple items. Oh well, it'll finish soon enough.
00:04:14<yay|m>> Public domain scores and original works may be downloaded from Musescore.com free of charge.
00:04:14<yay|m>not anymore!
00:05:14<TheTechRobo>yeah, I've never been able to download *ANYTHING* free-of-charge from there except with Librescore (which is closed-source now :/ )
00:05:44<@JAA>That doesn't sound very libre.
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00:09:18<yay|m>looking into it more, it seems like they just have an ultra-narrow definition of "public domain"
00:09:36<yay|m>you can download https://musescore.com/fakeyourdeath/mozart-piano-sonata-no-16-in-c-major-k-545-1st-movement for example, but you do need an account
00:09:55<yay|m>so the claim is technically true
00:12:49<@JAA>thuban: Re mod stuff, I did get a few 403s (random example: https://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?/topic/24433- ), but that's only a few dozen, which seems reasonable for a staff forum or similar.
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00:15:07<@JAA>Existing topics with zero posts are always fun: https://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?/topic/569-best-perks-or-skills-to-bet-on/
00:20:24<TheTechRobo>JAA: Yup, they refuse to change the name. lol
00:22:43<Harzilein>yay|m: huh, _narrow_ would be good
00:23:52<Harzilein>yay|m: all that code from the early usenet age with semi-clear copyright but people like to take the "public domain" (free software, we would agree nowadays) as Public Domain.
00:25:11<@JAA>fireonlive: Weird, but I see it on most larger forums I archive. Shit happens.
00:25:57<@JAA>Asia forums should be fine. Investigating two weird log warnings on NA that are probably benign. EU still going through that chonker above.
00:27:51<@JAA>It started 2 hours ago and is a bit over a third done... Still plenty of time to the deadline though.
00:28:34<nicolas17>can you eg. do EU and asia simultaneously? do they have independent rate limiting?
00:29:11<@JAA>I ran all three in parallel.
00:29:18<@JAA>The rate limiting is independent, yes.
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00:37:15<fireonlive>i was born after all <:o)
00:43:54<@JAA>Confirmed that the two NA warnings are benign. Topics 362854 and 400809 reported as having no posts, but that's because I only checked the first MiB of the response, and those two topics have massive polls, so the posts don't appear until much later.
00:45:48<@JAA>A number on the EU forums: before restarting at ~20:00, I got 11999371 posts from 883970 topic pages in 444242 topics.
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00:57:28<@JAA>Since the resumption, I got another ~2.74M posts from ~200k topic pages in 101011 topics, and about 85k posts are still remaining from that big topic.
00:58:31<@JAA>Actually, I just realised that the topic page and topic counts are probably slightly overestimated due to the special chars in slugs thing. Shouldn't be off very far though.
01:05:04<thuban>ah, i wondered about that
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01:30:09<immibis>TheTechRobo: i don't know why people don't think they need to stay anonymous when developing these things
01:31:49<TheTechRobo>immibis: Yup
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03:30:28<@JAA>EU chonk ETA: 1 hour
03:31:06<@JAA>Assets from NA and Asia are done via AB. The ones from the first part of EU are running now. Second part upcoming when it's done.
03:31:38<@JAA>Outlinks to be fed to #// later.
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04:02:03<eggdrop>[karma] 'JAA' now has 56 karma!
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05:24:13<@JAA>All done, remaining assets running through AB now.
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07:48:53<Flashfire42>So apparently Irans leader died in a helicopter crash we should probs do some grabbingh
07:55:54<that_lurker>If the 50 days till election thing I read is correct then a lot of things are going to happen
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08:06:06<h2ibot>Exorcism edited Miraheze (-4): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52267&oldid=50873
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09:07:09<masterx244|m>just saw the talk about the CCCongress. same time as the EMF there is the GPN which is the second largest CCC event after the Congress. I'm around there this year (CCCongress is also planned)
09:07:48<FireFly>huh, I always thought of GPN as one of the minor chaos events
09:07:55<FireFly>but I guess yer right
09:08:16<masterx244|m>GPN is also the "gateway event" due to the no-ticket-requirement thingy
09:08:23<masterx244|m>thats the one that got me in last year
09:08:45<masterx244|m>you go to them, too ?
09:08:49<FireFly>GPN is pretty comfy
09:08:53<masterx244|m>was at the Easterhegg this year, too
09:08:55<FireFly>though this year I'll be at EMF
09:09:20<masterx244|m>easy to recognize me on the events that i visit, i'm the guy with the xwing-helmet there
09:09:31Harzilein still has to visit his first gpn. the no-ticket-requirement is a perk of course, would offset travel costs a bit.
09:10:01<Harzilein>have been visiting the (then not named c3 yet) congress since 1996 :D
09:12:06<masterx244|m>Harzilein: > * <@Harzilein:hackint.org> still has to visit his first gpn. the no-ticket-requirement is a perk of course, would offset travel costs a bit.
09:12:06<masterx244|m>travel costs from where?
09:12:29<Harzilein>i'm a poor nerd :D
09:12:52<Harzilein>not chasing the almighty dollar^Weuro consistently enough :D
09:13:43<masterx244|m>49euro ticket? and https://entropia.de/GPN22:Unterkunft can give some pointers on open offers where other nerds try to split cost on sleep();
09:14:17<FireFly>I learned about congress when it was still in berlin, but was always too much of a cheapskate to go :\ until the leipzig era
09:14:26<FireFly>ahwell, worked out in the end I guess
09:14:30<Harzilein>still, it's not exactly cost-neutral. odd-year (now even year) easterhegg was perfect for me :D
09:14:55<FireFly>is it always in hamburg on alternating years? I didn't realise, only knew it moves around...
09:15:24<Harzilein>fond memories of the berlin congresses. and to think we used to murmur a bit about professionalization when attendance was in the right ballpark with 2342/4223
09:15:43<FireFly>but I did like the kampnagel venue
09:15:49<FireFly>Harzilein: heh
09:16:04<FireFly>the smaller chaos events are nice for that
09:16:07<masterx244|m>FireFly: yes, hamburg , travelling, hamburg trtavelling in a loop
09:16:20FireFly nods
09:16:35<Harzilein>eh was invented in hamburg, therefore hamburg had a bit more say in setting the rules and would get a 50% duty cycle (deviating from that might have been discussed when congress moved back from hamburg).
09:16:37<masterx244|m>easterhegg ticket snagging was a PITA this year, you had to precisionsnipe the ticket shop
09:17:04<FireFly>yeah true
09:17:24<FireFly>I failed to secure a ticket but fortunately we try to pool tickets within $friendcircle
09:17:27<Harzilein>the old easterhegg venue (where the congress was before moving to berlin) was nice too. it was also about the size where doing bar/breakfast duty wasn't too stressful.
09:17:32<FireFly>so it worked out
09:18:14<FireFly>oh before moving to berlin, that must've been a while ago :p
09:18:36<FireFly>I thought of before moving to leipzig at first and was thinking "but.. wasn't that just the previous CCH"
09:18:56<Harzilein>if you haven't seen pylon's easterhegg (mug) history talk, i really recommend it
09:19:02<Harzilein>it's in german though
09:19:05<FireFly>probably should watch it
09:19:19<Harzilein>many nice shots of the eidelstedter buergerhaus
09:19:20<FireFly>heh, good excuse to practice then :p
09:20:55<masterx244|m>FireFly: yeah, friend and i did the same, we both tried to snag 2 (we were in a call) and only one set would be snagged fully since that 15min cart time makes it easy to discard excess tickets in a safe way
09:20:59<Harzilein>14. chaos communication congress was the first time attendance exceeded 1000 and the venue was not up to it anymore. but great easterhegg venue.
09:21:41<masterx244|m>https://nplusc.de/eh21/1000017353.jpg (thats me when i had to debug some electronics at day1 of this years EH)
09:21:48<FireFly>the other minor chaos events around can be very comfy too, can recommend them
09:22:16<Harzilein>i was at icmp once
09:22:25<Harzilein>that was _very_ comfy. but not cheap for me.
09:22:39<masterx244|m>FireFly: true, was at another local one after the EH. first time that i spammed some traffic for the pixelflood. and as always: the UV tape wall and the jokes on it
09:22:41<Harzilein>had to chip in for a rental car :/
09:23:08<masterx244|m>(someone had a windows logo on it on that event, i immediately added a arrow pointing into a trashcan)
09:24:50<FireFly>oh this is probably more -ot chatter than -bs I guess (*grumble* I still think the naming's not great :p)
09:25:01<FireFly>but I guess it is what it is now
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09:32:37<masterx244|m>switching over to OT
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10:29:45<pabs>https://news.admin.peering.narkive.com/jqTCQePo/are-these-the-only-3-known-updated-usenet-archives-left https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40406863
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10:33:55<Harzilein>i forgot if narkive is a good citizen in not obfuscating message ids.
10:34:09<Harzilein>let me have a look and see if i can point my newsreader to it
10:34:26<Harzilein>the topic _is_ somewhat dear to me
10:35:15<Harzilein>there is a nice "preview" archive hosted at al.howardknight.net, it truncates articles at 1000 (or was it 100?) lines or so
10:35:30<Harzilein>it seems to have a somewhat complete feed behind it
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14:07:10<h2ibot>Bzc6p edited News+C/hu (+112, hvg 2022 and 2023 done): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52268&oldid=50317
14:17:12<h2ibot>Bzc6p edited News+C/hu (+112, For a better coverage of the political palette,…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52269&oldid=52268
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14:22:12<Gooshka>arkiver, JAA: ^ looks like YouTube is ready to block channels if Roskomnadzor doesn't like them.
14:25:36<@arkiver>Gooshka: we should at least get that specific channel archive
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17:09:34<AK>Did we https://help.openstreetmap.org/ as it's gone read only (ish) as of 1st March (ish)
17:09:46<AK>Can't spot it in wiki but unsure if I'm searching badly
17:10:35<AK>Looks like AB grabbed it which is good :)
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