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00:21:53<@JAA>The World Of Tanks forum archival on fuzzy8021's infra is running since about 20 minutes and looking great so far.
00:22:03<eggdrop>[karma] 'fuzzy8021' now has 1 karma!
00:25:03<@JAA>Tentative ETA is 17 hours.
00:29:14<eggdrop>[karma] 'fuzzy8021' now has 2 karma!
00:29:19<eggdrop>[karma] 'fuzzy8021' now has 3 karma!
00:29:28<fireonlive>(even though i'm jealous of his IP space)
00:30:09<thuban>that's great news! thanks, you two
00:33:39<@JAA>Not only you, fireonlive! :-P
00:35:07<fireonlive>glad not just me
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00:36:44<fuzzy8021>hmmm 17 hours looks kinda close :/
00:37:22<@JAA>The deadline is a bit over 32 hours away.
00:37:30<@JAA>So should be fine.
00:39:15<fuzzy8021>and glad i can help tho JAA is doing all the work
00:39:57@JAA couldn't do the work without fuzzy8021, so... :-)
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01:53:28<@JAA>arkiver: Just realised I didn't ping you, see above, probably no DPoS needed.
01:54:48<@JAA>I didn't stop the other run, by the way, which is too slow to finish in time. So there'll be some duplication etc. Not that it matters, this is obviously tiny.
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02:32:25<@JAA>ETA is still a bit after 17:00. :-)
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04:55:29<pabs>hmm, a very JS-y site without dir indexes on the images :( http://rmo.zkm.de/vasulka-pdf/
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05:27:15<thuban>reverse-engineered and ab'd
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05:27:47<eggdrop>[karma] 'thuban' now has 9 karma!
05:28:38<pokechu22>ah, thuban already did it, but view-source:http://rmo.zkm.de/vasulka-pdf/ does just contain page counts directly (which makes things a lot easier compared to needing to make separate requests for each book)
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07:11:42<h2ibot>Nulldata edited Post News (+115, Added that you can get individual comments from…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52266&oldid=52260
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08:05:57<OvskMendov1>Please save - might go down due to internal drama: https://wikipediasucks.co
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08:34:58<@arkiver>thanks fuzzy8021 and JAA ! sounds good
08:44:27<@JAA>ETA hasn't changed, so looking good.
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11:20:04<VickoSaviour>How's the progress with World of Tanks forums? Looking good?
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18:50:19<needhelp>Is there something like this userscript but for archive.today or ghostarchive?
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19:40:39<that_lurker>You could just change the links in that script
19:41:06<TheTechRobo>I don't think archive.today allows manual submissions
19:41:24<TheTechRobo>You'd have to bypass Cloudflare, at least, and I think I remember reading something about how the developer doesn't like bots
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20:06:29<@JAA>Due to a (known) issue, the World Of Tanks EU forums were looping for the past 6 hours and aren't done yet. New ETA 3 hours. The other two are done.
20:07:41<@JAA>Or more accurately, the other two appear to be done, checking the results now.
20:13:12<thuban>what was the issue? (just curious)
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20:21:03<@JAA>thuban: qwarc doesn't limit the redirect depth, and https://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/744769-%50-panzer-iv-%50-panther-%100-schmalturm/ is weird.
20:22:29<@JAA>%50 got translated to P because it shouldn't be percent-encoded, and that caused the redirect loop.
20:22:45<@JAA>(I think)
20:25:53<@JAA>Yep, that's it.
20:26:15<@JAA>Firefox also does the translation, but only once. After the redirect, it keeps the encoding as is, and then it works.
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21:02:02<nicolas17>48000 of 349712 {"data":"400 items queued for deduplication","status_code":200}
21:02:03<nicolas17>telegrab pls
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21:04:39<that_lurker>Is this site something that AB could crawl? https://vaalit.yle.fi/vaalikone/eurovaalit2024/1/ehdokkaat
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21:05:33<steering>gg to WoT forums not url-encoding slugs
21:08:44<fireonlive>A+ programming
21:13:20<thuban>that_lurker: does not work without js, so no
21:13:45<that_lurker>yeah. Though that would be the case
21:14:05<thuban>may or may not be feasible to reverse-engineer; i can take a look at it later
21:14:40<that_lurker>Well the main point was the different candidate personal websites
21:15:46<that_lurker>Those hold more long term valua as the "vallikone" results are stored by yle if I remember correctly
21:19:39<nicolas17>cleaning old stuff in the house, I found that I still have a pile of DVDs with the original recordings of State of the Map (the OpenStreetMap international conference) from 2014 (!)
21:21:49<nicolas17>the AV team was... not the best
21:25:22<thuban>that_lurker: sure, that looks straightforward
21:25:53<thuban>i can generate a list, but should they be dumped into #// or ab'd individually or what?
21:29:29<nicolas17>the audio is worse than I remembered, the video is interlaced and... 352x576?
21:33:23<fireonlive>interlacing was a mistake
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21:33:48<fireonlive>nicolas17: how did you get a pic of me
21:38:43<that_lurker>thuban: With the amount most likely #// would fit better instead of piping a list to !a
21:39:39<that_lurker>or is the queue bot up and running yet
21:39:42<thuban>that_lurker, do as you will: https://transfer.archivete.am/v05WV/finnish_elections_2024_filtered.txt
21:39:42<eggdrop>inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/v05WV/finnish_elections_2024_filtered.txt
21:41:00<that_lurker>I choose to use a lifeline called ask JAA :-)
21:42:10<that_lurker>also thanks for getting all the links
21:42:13<eggdrop>[karma] 'thuban' now has 10 karma!
21:45:54<thuban>(i have also fed the candidate api endpoints to archivebot)
21:49:08<@JAA>Probably each site should be AB'd. (I'm not volunteering.)
21:49:11<@JAA>Also, #vooterbooter
21:51:37<katia>would !a < work?
21:54:50<@JAA>Not with the list as is, and !a < is hardly ever a good idea (which is why it's undocumented).
21:59:47<@rewby>arkiver, JAA: Do you still need that target?
21:59:57<@rewby>Sorry for being late, was quite busy
22:01:18<@JAA>rewby: Nope, I'll have a complete archive within the hour.
22:02:11<@rewby>Ah good
22:02:29<@rewby>I was doing volunteering for emf camp today so was quite busy
22:02:34<nicolas17>should we use a ticket system? :P
22:03:25<that_lurker>jira.archiveteam.org :-P
22:03:34<@rewby>God mo
22:03:44<fireonlive>jira πŸ’€β˜ οΈ
22:04:22<@rewby>I spent the whole day programming switches and packing flightcasea
22:04:38<@JAA>Sounds fun though! :-)
22:04:43<@rewby>It was!
22:04:49<nicolas17>I know that feel
22:05:02<@rewby>I'll see them again next week on the field
22:05:10<@rewby>Unpacking that time
22:05:29<nicolas17>god I remember sneaking out of the front door at a conference before it started, to see how long the queue was and maybe take a picture
22:05:42<@rewby>I mean, I'm arriving at day -4 or smth
22:06:03<nicolas17>and since I had a STAFF t-shirt, a hundred people came to ask me questions that I had no knowledge or authority to answer
22:06:51<@rewby>I'm planning to have my work done before the start of the event
22:07:39<datechnoman>What do you do for work rewby
22:07:41<datechnoman>Sounds interesting
22:07:44<datechnoman>(if you dont mind sharing)
22:08:10<@rewby>I'm volunteering for emf camp buildup and teardown. Specifically network but probably a bit of phones too
22:09:37<@rewby>I quite enjoy these camps
22:09:43<datechnoman>Nice sounds good!
22:09:46<datechnoman>Will be a busy weekend
22:10:11<@rewby>Take all the nerds, hackers, makers etc in a 1000km radius and shove them in a field with power, wifi, phones and more and see what happens
22:10:24<@rewby>Weekend? Hah
22:10:29<@rewby>I'm on the field for 10 days
22:11:30<@rewby>There's a few km of fiber to run, hundred aps to hang. 50 or so switches (didn't count them all) and more to deploy
22:11:32<katia>i wanna go next year rewby u_u
22:11:40<@rewby>Next year is WHY2025 in NL
22:11:46<katia>o yes!
22:11:56<@rewby>I think they're trying to make more tickets available for emf this year
22:12:08<@rewby>I saw calls going out for refunds if people aren't coming
22:12:16<@rewby>And there's a ticket trading thing going on
22:12:50<murb>yeah best have tickets going to people who can actually make it.
22:12:51<katia>oh emfcamp is every 2y
22:12:53<fireonlive>what's the uplink like? :3
22:13:02<murb>enough (tm)
22:13:14<@rewby>Unsure if that's public. I know what it is tho. But yes, "enough"
22:14:29<@rewby>We're not playing this game
22:16:36<nicolas17>I wanna go to CCC T_T
22:16:45<@rewby>Ccc is also fun, I went last year
22:18:23<nicolas17>people are like "CCC is cool, you should come, I could help you get a ticket"
22:18:47<nicolas17>event ticket is not the problem, flight ticket is x_x
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22:20:19<katia>me2 rewby!
22:20:29<@rewby>Nicolas: How so?
22:20:30<katia>was fun
22:20:51<nicolas17>flying to europe costs money
22:20:55<@rewby>I would recommend emfcamp and why2025 if you can
22:21:00<@rewby>Very fun
22:21:07<@rewby>Different vibe, slightly
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22:21:25<@rewby>Camping makes it a bit different
22:21:46<@rewby>But you can just hang out until 2am and walk to your tent
22:22:11<nicolas17>I went to a KDE event in the middle of nowhere in Switzerland once
22:22:17<@rewby>Camps are home of the shitpost
22:22:22<nicolas17>in what used to be a hotel
22:22:27<nicolas17>you looked out the window and saw this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779844089196576809/806583553419903006/IMG_0074.JPG?ex=664b8e78&is=664a3cf8&hm=9f874b1d389831ac29b2819206e2793630c00abd9f0c6f1e21f6a85c67223d8d&
22:22:35<@rewby>Very cute
22:22:48<nicolas17>meanwhile inside was like https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779844089196576809/806583767203446844/IMG_0005.JPG?ex=664b8eab&is=664a3d2b&hm=56bcf72b125106244d53f4211791da3196e943fa181987a89404690b93a25c65&
22:22:55<@rewby>You have no idea how many tent pins were made today
22:30:29<@JAA>fireonlive bonk++
22:30:29<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 24 karma!
22:30:34<katia>fireonlive bonk++
22:30:34<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 25 karma!
22:31:45<fireonlive>someone keeps trying to get me to go to c3 2024
22:31:59<@JAA>nicolas17: Have another picture of the surrounding landscape? I'm trying to guess where it is. :-)
22:32:43<nicolas17>I had those handy because I had sent them on Discord, I'd have to dig for other pictures :P
22:34:02<nicolas17>since IRC has no clickable spoilers: https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/7vNLW/location.txt
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22:47:34<immibis>nicolas17: if you're in America there's defcon
22:47:40<Harzilein>it hasn't?
22:47:47<immibis>I think it's a bit less crazy than CCCongress
22:48:06<immibis>more corporate, less hacker... like everything in america
22:49:39<fireonlive>nicolas17 is my spanish daddy
22:50:07<immibis>i was at CCCamp and Bornhack last year and I'm going back to Bornhack this year. They're pretty cool places.
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23:12:44<nicolas17>immibis: I'm in Argentina
23:13:17<nicolas17>the thing about CCC is that last year there were friends from 3 or 4 different nerd communities attending and I got major FOMO
23:13:38<fireonlive>I got major-
23:14:33<immibis>yeah, europe is nerd central
23:15:08<immibis>I hope you get to go one year
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23:37:11<nicolas17>pabs: https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/7dUi9/sotm14-audio-is-fucked.mp4
23:37:24<yay|m>I've been thinking about archiving Musescore
23:37:41<nicolas17>if you raise the volume a *lot*, you'll see it has some humming like there's a ground loop, then it goes away, then white noise starts
23:38:18<yay|m>They semi-recently removed any obvious way to download mcsz files. You can still download midi and pdf, which is hopefully an acceptable substitute until another way can be found.
23:39:13<yay|m>Right now what I'm working on is figuring out just how many scores they have, where the URL format is "https://musescore.com/user/[id]/scores/[id]". This user id is technically redundant, since the mobile apps don't need it to open a musescore:// link, but the website seems to always use it, which leads to the conclusion that there's some other method of getting the full link from just the score id. From what I can tell, the score ids are
23:39:13<yay|m>in the ~10 million range.
23:39:16<nicolas17>there were other talks where the volume is so low that I think they had the wrong microphone unmuted and it was miraculously catching something
23:41:52<thuban>yay|m: sounds like you want a packet capture setup to snoop on the mobile app traffic
23:42:01<yay|m>that's the plan :)
23:42:12<@JAA>So, first stats on the World Of Tanks Asia forums: I got 97253 topics, 147252 topic pages, 1483585 posts. This is in the right ballpark but doesn't match the numbers on the homepage at all (68562 topics, 1366552 replies according to the individual forum counters; 1783440 posts according to the footer).
23:42:59<@JAA>I guess 1366552 + 68562 = 1435114 is fairly close. If 'replies' are actually only replies and don't include the initial post in each topic.
23:43:34<@JAA>Why the footer counter is 250k higher...? Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― Maybe it includes deleted spam or something.
23:43:46<thuban>that, or moderator or other hidden forums
23:44:28<thuban>(oh, i guess _250k_ moderator posts isn't very plausible)
23:44:52<@JAA>On the NA forums, the homepage says 319539 topics, 5597411 replies (= 5916950 posts) in the forum counters and 12599162 posts in the footer.
23:45:12<@JAA>I got 324491 topics, 509478 topic pages, 6281334 posts.
23:45:28<@JAA>So ... 6 million spam posts?
23:47:36<@JAA>EU forums homepage is different, and I don't feel like clicking through the individual sections, but it says 16868834 posts in the footer.
23:48:07<@JAA>The retrieval is still running through a couple very large threads, so I don't have a retrieved figure yet.
23:48:55<@JAA>This topic with 7165 pages will still take a little while: https://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/363399-the-forum-bar-off-topic-thread-140k-posts/
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23:54:21<nicolas17>oh no, bad sectors on the DVD