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02:28:04<nicolas17>OrIdow6: is there any evidence of who did it?
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03:26:04<OrIdow6>nicolas17: I'm joking
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08:06:23<xkey>its Sams fault
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11:40:09<@JAA>Blaming Sam sounds good to me, regardless of whether it's true.
11:42:06<xkey>brief question: does anybody have a bash script for easy saving to Web Archive?
11:42:23<xkey>I usually use https://github.com/jjjake/internetarchive for uploading docs, but that's another use-case
11:53:32<katia>xkey, do you mean web.archive.org?
11:53:57<katia>you can't upload to that
11:53:59<katia>but archivebot can
11:54:22<@JAA>There's a browser extension, but you usually need to check the results manually since SPN is unreliable.
11:54:36<xkey>ah, yea I wrote a oneliner with curl to https://web.archive.org/save once, but that was hackish
11:54:57<xkey>merci JAA and katia, will try the add on
11:55:26<xkey>I'm thinking about extending that curl script, once the DDoS is over
11:55:54<@JAA>This is official and allegedly supports it as well: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wayback-machine_new/
11:55:58<@JAA>(I haven't tried it.)
11:56:20<xkey>do you have the source code for that, JAA?
11:56:21<katia>there's these docs for the SPN API xkey if it helps
11:56:40<xkey>certainly does katia
11:56:55<@JAA>xkey: Probably this: https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback-machine-webextension
11:57:14<xkey>awesome, will get back to you once I find the time :)
12:06:13<xkey>katia, thanks a lot indeed; I'll just translate the PHP example then
12:06:29<xkey>and extend a bit
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13:38:01<nyany>What a trip.
13:38:17<nyany>Here's hoping that IA comes back up in good health, and soon.
13:47:11<Dango360>here we go again https://x.com/internetarchive/status/1795451463465845141
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15:28:28<nyany>Imagine being depressed enough to attack infra belonging to an organization whose sole purpose is to... well, save your shit
15:59:01<IDK>God damn it that happened just as I went on IA for the first time today
15:59:18<IDK>I swear to god internet archive goes down the second I tries to visit it
15:59:45<@JAA>Stop DDoSing it then!!1!
16:00:13<@JAA>It's been going up and down, yeah.
16:13:29<@JAA>fireonlive bonk++
16:13:30<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 32 karma!
16:19:19<katia>fireonlive bonk++
16:19:19<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 33 karma!
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23:04:51<TheTechRobo>xkey: https://github.com/overcast07/wayback-machine-spn-scripts/