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04:53:53<@arkiver>OrIdow6: oh that would be bad
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11:24:32<katia>wow OrIdow6 exposed, no premium membership
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11:47:01<@arkiver>OrIdow6: hahahaha, i laughed hard at that
11:47:15<@arkiver>"WARCs go to Outsider WARCs"
11:47:50<@arkiver>"WARC format support" -> "only Gzip"/"Zstd with custom dictionary"
11:48:03<@arkiver>"premium HE connection
11:48:05<@arkiver>love it :)
12:05:38<datechnoman>why must people DDOS archive.org :(
12:05:42<datechnoman>Makes me sad
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12:45:40<plcp>is it down, or is it just me?
12:48:37<OrIdow6>It's being DDoSed
12:55:23<plcp>some ia company scrappy the archive again, or something more malicious?
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14:07:45<IDK>Time to get cloudflare protection /j
14:08:01<IDK>buttflare protection
14:08:09<katia>butt status: flared
14:12:08<IDK>if im gonna be honest, idk how are they going to fix this, even if they get akamai or buttflare protection they are still going to have blatantly obvious IP ranges
14:12:45<IDK>Even if they start running things off it wouldnt take long before the attacker finds out their new IP
14:15:19<qwertyasdfuiopghjkl>https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/9OZGe/1.png https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/yOFSg/2.png https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/THNT9/3.png
15:36:00<IDK>I added these to the host file:
15:36:00<IDK> archive.org
15:36:00<IDK> web.archive.org
15:36:00<IDK> web-beta.archive.org
15:36:12<IDK>now things felt a little bit better but still broken in some places
15:37:16<IDK>I think only and is getting flooded
15:38:58<IDK>nvm only the archive.org thing worked
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17:12:12<nicolas17>I just uploaded a file
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19:09:16<Barto>https://mastodon.archive.org/@internetarchive/112513905401989149 :(
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19:51:00<nicolas17>Barto: didn't you see we talked about it here 4 hours ago? :P
19:51:28<Barto>man, i just came home from work and hadnt had a look yet
19:52:23<xkey>friends just thought the ddos is a nation-state actor :D
19:52:42<xkey>good luck to anyone working on it right now!
19:53:23<Barto>Maybe it's sam altman trying to fix his books collection because he realized it was a minefield in copyright law :p
19:56:50<xkey>> pull me all my books from the internet as an archive
19:57:00<xkey>I should become an prompt engineer
20:01:53<Barto>i realized last year i had a teacher i had at uni that is now working at openai
20:07:53<xkey>better than academia for sure :^}
20:08:40<@JAA>I'm sure it pays better, at least.
20:10:17<Barto>well, dude taught us theory of computation. Turing machines, NFA, DFA, all that stuffs.
20:10:49<Barto>Dude was a badass, and not a morning person lol. He'd write us email at 2am casually.
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23:21:51<OrIdow6>I would like to congratulate Russia, Israel, and the book publishing industry for getting past their differences and collaborating on this DDoS
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