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17:02:14<deadorbit>hello everyone
17:02:24<deadorbit>can anyone help me out with some archival questions
17:07:04<deadorbit>i want to backup the entire cia reading room collection which is around 500,000 documents
17:07:25<deadorbit>when i download the collection should i select .pdf only or download all the other files like sqlite etc
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18:41:24<TheTechRobo>If you want to preserve the metadata on the item (e.g. title and description), then get the sqlite and xml files
18:41:35<TheTechRobo>!tell deadorbit If you want to preserve the metadata on the item (e.g. title and description), then get the sqlite and xml files
18:41:36<eggdrop>[tell] ok, I'll tell deadorbit when they join next
18:51:04<pokechu22>I'm getting "This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine." for screenshots from SPN, e.g. https://web.archive.org/web/20240525184902/http://web.archive.org/screenshot/https://example.com/'
18:51:14<pokechu22>err https://web.archive.org/web/20240525184902/http://web.archive.org/screenshot/https://example.com/ - the ' was a typo
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20:35:04<@JAA>!tell deadorbit Look into `ia download`'s `--exclude-source derivative` option. Cf. https://github.com/jjjake/internetarchive/issues/365
20:35:04<eggdrop>[tell] ok, I'll tell deadorbit when they join next
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20:50:56<eggdrop>[karma] 'JAA' now has 59 karma!
20:51:32<fireonlive>i was confused why "on the fly" (default false" didn't exclude those lol
20:52:37<@JAA>Yeah, derivatives and on-the-fly are entirely separate.
21:29:13<pabs>some folks (names redacted) on #maemo (Libera) discussing the JS requirements of the current IA WBM implementation https://paste.debian.net/hidden/53d4b00c/
21:30:11<pabs>(and the temporary bans they get because of that)
21:31:13<@JAA>Indeed, it's quite annoying.
21:31:46<@JAA>Especially since some snapshots are broken when you have JS enabled.
21:32:05<@JAA>(E.g. most Discourse forums)
21:33:45<nicolas17>discourse's service worker has something incompatible with my old Firefox
21:33:58<nicolas17>which makes discourse forums work *once*
21:34:35<nicolas17>then the service worker gets installed, and next time I load the forum it fails to load styles and scripts -_-
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21:36:15<@JAA>It works splendidly without JS. :-)
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