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06:58:50<Ryz>So, I've been trying to check past URLs with https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://imageshack.com/* just in general, but it gave me a message saying "Wayback Machine failed to return archive information." in red text, and thus there's no listings to be had; is there something wrong with WBM/IA?
07:01:11<Ryz>Huh, I'm able to check something like this just fine: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://imagizer.imageshack.com/* - at least at the moment
07:01:15<Ryz>...Uhh, arkiver?
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07:39:37<@arkiver>Ryz: can confirm i see the same yeah
07:39:40<@arkiver>after some loadin
07:39:48<@arkiver>maybe too many results are taking too long (?)
07:40:17<Ryz>Isn't it capped to 10,000 links now instead of a much larger number arkiver? <#>;
07:40:29<@arkiver>i have no idea, i don't keep track
07:41:00<@arkiver>yeah 10k it seems
07:41:15<Ryz>It used to be 100,000 links or 200,000 links~
07:42:05<@arkiver>Ryz: you can see it makes a request for some 'timemap' endpoint
07:42:10<@arkiver>at some*
07:42:26<@arkiver>which uses 10k in the URL parameters
07:42:39<@arkiver>but it 504s after a while, an internal timeout
07:42:59<@arkiver>i would not be surprised if IA is getting hammered again by bots
07:43:01<Ryz>I did try to narrow it down further by just having it to 2024, this year, https://web.archive.org/web/2024*/http://imageshack.com/* - and uhh, I believe it still errored out, oof :c
07:43:11<Ryz>Mmm :C
07:45:41<@arkiver>not sure that is how narrowing down works
07:45:50<@arkiver>you do get a reply however you look up imageshack.com/d*
07:49:49<@arkiver>google.com also returns a 504
07:50:45<@arkiver>however looking for google.com/d* returns results
07:50:55<@arkiver>i'm guessing some internal problem, i reported it Ryz
07:51:04<Ryz>Wait, there's a better way to narrow it down arkiver? I've been doing that when I wanted a specific range, being in 2024 and such~
07:51:19<Ryz>Because I do know that doing so gives results faster from my end
07:51:34<@arkiver>well see what i wrote
07:51:36<Ryz>Especially if there's less entries in that time range, like say 2024
07:52:42<Ryz>Mmm, yeah, since it's not the main domain per say~
07:54:02<Ryz>Well, faster, or at least a narrower range, since /2024*/http://imageshack.com/d* was slower than /*/http://imageshack.com/d* Oo;
07:54:10<Ryz>Depends on the domain and such I suppose
07:57:50<@arkiver>i see now that it might make a difference yes ryz
08:01:11<@arkiver>but yeah a search for the domain indeed returns a 504
08:03:32<Ryz>Mmm S:
08:04:26<Ryz>Hopefully it doesn't last too long arkiver, or it might affect my ArchiveBot workflow regarding cross-referencing domains for when if they're still alive or not
08:06:44<@arkiver>Ryz: you also see the results on all domains?
08:12:52<@arkiver>Ryz: it's slow responses and crashes, simply too much is being asked from resources
08:13:02<@arkiver>not sure when it will be fixed, maybe it'll be working fine again later
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16:10:29<@JAA>arkiver: Saw my ping about showNumPages on the CDX API being broken and returning HTTP 400? E.g. https://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx?url=archive.org&showNumPages=true
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