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02:45:02 | <icedice> | JAA: idk, this comment says that Epson blocks it: https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2023/12/07/hp_made_to_be_less_hated/#c_4773184 |
02:47:59 | <@JAA> | icedice: Yeah, well, Epson does say you need to have genuine cartridges installed in all slots. It could be that people weren't aware of that. Or Epson is lying. Also a definite possibility. |
02:48:41 | <@JAA> | Note that https://www.consumerreports.org/consumerist/if-you-want-to-scan-without-an-ink-cartridge-maybe-dont-buy-an-all-in-one-at-all/ says 'without a print cartridge', not 'without ink'. :-) |
02:49:18 | <@JAA> | That's still bad, just not as bad as requiring a non-empty cartridge. |
02:50:37 | <@JAA> | There's also the famous 'why can't I print this black-and-white document without yellow ink?' bit. |
02:50:56 | <@JAA> | (It's because of the tracking dots.) |
02:57:34 | <icedice> | Yup |
02:59:34 | <icedice> | ArsTechnica also has an article about it: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/08/the-printers-that-require-ink-to-scan-and-fax/ |
03:00:24 | <icedice> | This one is talking about ink cartridge replacement: https://old.reddit.com/r/Epson/comments/198y9pa/cant_scan_unless_i_replace_a_ink_cartridge/ |
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05:10:24 | <@JAA> | lol, HP already ditched the 15-minute phone support wait time. |
05:10:29 | <@JAA> | That was fast. |
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14:56:45 | <that_lurker> | JAA: Thanks for mentioning the stalwar thing. Need to monitor what happens. Good thing procrastination helps me not self host my email anytime soon :-) |
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20:00:30 | <@JAA> | I was just about to. :-) |
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20:29:07 | <nstrom|m> | I've used mono laser for decades now at this point |
20:30:12 | <nstrom|m> | test |
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21:17:54 | <atluxity> | with the increase of price at meeting.com I know a lot of groups are leaving the service. Has anyone looked into that? |
21:21:59 | <@JAA> | → -bs |
21:22:53 | <@JAA> | (If the intent is archival) |
21:26:02 | <atluxity> | ty |
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