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00:40:38 | <Hans5958> | I only ran 2 goo-gl and 1 youtube since I don't want Google to be banned on my house lol |
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01:47:52 | <Hans5958> | Also, the Blogger project still alive? |
01:48:25 | <@JAA> | Yes, at #frogger |
01:50:08 | <Hans5958> | But I saw no activity on https://tracker.archiveteam.org/blogger/? |
01:50:13 | <nicolas17> | targets full |
01:50:23 | <nicolas17> | it's affecting usgovernment too |
01:50:38 | <Hans5958> | Ah I see |
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04:47:20 | <myself> | atluxity: are you referring to meetup.com? |
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05:45:10 | <TheTechRobo> | Vokun: there were discussions of adding that, but nothing really came of it |
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05:49:14 | <Vokun> | I feel like the more slow small little projects we have that don't touch the targets, the better. Discard, wikibot, and burnthetwitch are really nice, though discard is extremely not automated |
05:49:23 | <Vokun> | probably takes less work overall though |
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08:02:47 | <h2ibot> | PaulWise edited Google Maps (+45, uploaded didn't happen yet.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54466&oldid=54422 |
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08:55:01 | <h2ibot> | Bzc6p edited Indafotó (+486, I was right. It will shut down "shortly".): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54467&oldid=54168 |
08:56:01 | <h2ibot> | Bzc6p edited Indafotó (+87, /* Status */ update and promise to speed up): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54468&oldid=54467 |
09:12:30 | | Island quits [Read error: Connection reset by peer] |
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09:41:14 | <h2ibot> | Bzc6p edited Deathwatch (+200, /* 2025 */ + [[Indafotó]]): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54469&oldid=54461 |
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12:29:57 | <h2ibot> | Manu edited Deathwatch (+210, /* Nexon will terminate Nexon Town on March…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54470&oldid=54469 |
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12:34:58 | <h2ibot> | Manu edited Deathwatch (+212, /* Nexon will discontinue MapleStory 2 end of…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54471&oldid=54470 |
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12:37:08 | <atluxity> | ah, I dont know why I said meeting.com, I ment meetup.com yes |
12:37:33 | <atluxity> | egallager, no wonder it did not respond. And thanks myself |
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12:49:00 | <h2ibot> | Manu edited Deathwatch (+251, /* Korean version of ArcheAge is being…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54472&oldid=54471 |
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13:21:29 | <Webuser191650> | Greetings. I found a website that will be completely shut down soon. Is this the place to ask for help on this? |
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13:27:48 | <tzt> | Webuser191650: What is the website |
13:29:20 | <Webuser191650> | The top level URL in question is http://gaga.biodiv.tw/ , and from the information on one of the pages, it should be a "small-scaled website" (up to a few hundred thousand URLs) |
13:30:49 | <Webuser191650> | It is a Taiwanese database full of information on various species (mostly insects) |
13:32:04 | <Webuser191650> | And apparently some of the subpages are already gone :( |
13:36:33 | <tzt> | the website is now being grabbed in #archivebot |
13:36:36 | <c3manu> | Webuser783305: it’s running in #archivebot (thanks tzt for letting me know) |
13:36:39 | <c3manu> | ah ^^ |
13:37:01 | <c3manu> | Webuser783305: if you find anything related to it that’s still up, feel free to let us know |
13:38:29 | <Webuser191650> | Thanks a lot :) This is an important reference for Chinese insect lovers, and I literally learnt a few hours ago that its creator shut it down due to some sort of argument in academic stuff |
13:39:21 | <Webuser191650> | Then I remember you guys, although it took a while to find your site lol |
13:39:44 | <Webuser191650> | *Chinese -> Chinese-speaking |
13:41:46 | <c3manu> | is "gaga" some sort of pinyin or abbreviation for "insect" by any chance? |
13:48:01 | <Webuser191650> | Ga (嘎) is an onomatopoeia, and the webmaster chose that as his online handle because he used to be a birder and Taiwan blue magpies would go "gaga" in the mountains neighboring his school |
13:48:32 | <Webuser191650> | The bird in question looks like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_blue_magpie |
13:49:56 | <c3manu> | aww that’s kinda cute actually :) |
13:50:34 | <c3manu> | i asked because biodiv.tw seems to have a fair amount of other subdomains, and i wondered whether those are related to the content on gaga.biodiv.tw |
13:50:49 | <c3manu> | might be worth going through those as well |
13:53:51 | <Webuser191650> | biodiv.tw seems to a domain under Academia Sinica, the national academy of Taiwan (https://biodiv.tw/Mission). It should be okay unless/until China invade China |
13:54:09 | <Webuser191650> | *China invades Taiwan |
13:54:45 | <c3manu> | putting that on my "proactive" list then. thanks a lot for explaining :) |
13:57:57 | <Webuser191650> | You're welcome |
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17:03:38 | <yzqzss> | paste.kiska.pw's ipv6 got down? |
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18:03:09 | <h2ibot> | Exorcism uploaded File:Zhubai-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AZhubai-screenshot.png |
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18:18:11 | <h2ibot> | Exorcism created 竹白 (+1648, Created page with "{{Infobox project | title =…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=%E7%AB%B9%E7%99%BD |
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20:05:36 | <BornOn420> | nicolas17 Google has no problem with me running goo-gl *and* blogger *and* GoogleTranslator from one ip |
20:05:48 | <nicolas17> | translator? |
20:06:04 | <BornOn420> | Not a project, is running in a scraper |
20:06:38 | <BornOn420> | As soon as I throw youtube in the mix > translator throws '500' errors |
20:07:11 | <BornOn420> | So it looks like youtube is closely monitored, the others not so much |
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20:08:51 | <BornOn420> | (I'm running Google translator through https://pypi.org/project/deep-translator/ which is not the way you are supposed to do it when Google wants to earn some money) |
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20:53:51 | <h2ibot> | Exorcism edited 竹白 (+2, fixed): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54476&oldid=54475 |
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21:30:25 | <Stagnant_> | All data on hexus forums will be deleted on March 1. https://forums.hexus.net/hexus-news/426608-looks-like-end-hexus-forums.html |
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21:48:20 | <Flashfire42> | Youtube is being so ban heavy I am "likely banned" running 1 concurrency on residential |
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22:05:54 | <Vokun> | i'm being fairly careful with my residential. I use yt-dlp a lot for personal archives and I've had to rotate through a few youtube channels' cookies already |
22:15:10 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited UK Online Safety Act 2023 (+266, Add HEXUS Forums): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54477&oldid=54283 |
22:16:10 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+238, /* 2025 */ Add HEXUS Forums): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54478&oldid=54472 |
22:25:55 | <@JAA> | Stagnant_: Thanks, I've started another AB run. We grabbed a full copy in 2021, when the main site discontinued publications. |
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23:39:25 | <@JAA> | Re DGrin, I've let my other qwarc run through, too, and it's about to finish. |
23:39:46 | <@JAA> | It's only 30-odd GiB anyway. |
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