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00:40:38<Hans5958>I only ran 2 goo-gl and 1 youtube since I don't want Google to be banned on my house lol
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01:47:52<Hans5958>Also, the Blogger project still alive?
01:48:25<@JAA>Yes, at #frogger
01:50:08<Hans5958>But I saw no activity on https://tracker.archiveteam.org/blogger/?
01:50:13<nicolas17>targets full
01:50:23<nicolas17>it's affecting usgovernment too
01:50:38<Hans5958>Ah I see
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04:47:20<myself>atluxity: are you referring to meetup.com?
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05:45:10<TheTechRobo>Vokun: there were discussions of adding that, but nothing really came of it
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05:49:14<Vokun>I feel like the more slow small little projects we have that don't touch the targets, the better. Discard, wikibot, and burnthetwitch are really nice, though discard is extremely not automated
05:49:23<Vokun>probably takes less work overall though
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08:02:47<h2ibot>PaulWise edited Google Maps (+45, uploaded didn't happen yet.): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54466&oldid=54422
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08:55:01<h2ibot>Bzc6p edited Indafotó (+486, I was right. It will shut down "shortly".): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54467&oldid=54168
08:56:01<h2ibot>Bzc6p edited Indafotó (+87, /* Status */ update and promise to speed up): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54468&oldid=54467
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12:37:08<atluxity>ah, I dont know why I said meeting.com, I ment meetup.com yes
12:37:33<atluxity>egallager, no wonder it did not respond. And thanks myself
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12:49:00<h2ibot>Manu edited Deathwatch (+251, /* Korean version of ArcheAge is being…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54472&oldid=54471
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13:21:29<Webuser191650>Greetings. I found a website that will be completely shut down soon. Is this the place to ask for help on this?
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13:27:48<tzt>Webuser191650: What is the website
13:29:20<Webuser191650>The top level URL in question is http://gaga.biodiv.tw/ , and from the information on one of the pages, it should be a "small-scaled website" (up to a few hundred thousand URLs)
13:30:49<Webuser191650>It is a Taiwanese database full of information on various species (mostly insects)
13:32:04<Webuser191650>And apparently some of the subpages are already gone :(
13:36:33<tzt>the website is now being grabbed in #archivebot
13:36:36<c3manu>Webuser783305: it’s running in #archivebot (thanks tzt for letting me know)
13:36:39<c3manu>ah ^^
13:37:01<c3manu>Webuser783305: if you find anything related to it that’s still up, feel free to let us know
13:38:29<Webuser191650>Thanks a lot :) This is an important reference for Chinese insect lovers, and I literally learnt a few hours ago that its creator shut it down due to some sort of argument in academic stuff
13:39:21<Webuser191650>Then I remember you guys, although it took a while to find your site lol
13:39:44<Webuser191650>*Chinese -> Chinese-speaking
13:41:46<c3manu>is "gaga" some sort of pinyin or abbreviation for "insect" by any chance?
13:48:01<Webuser191650>Ga (嘎) is an onomatopoeia, and the webmaster chose that as his online handle because he used to be a birder and Taiwan blue magpies would go "gaga" in the mountains neighboring his school
13:48:32<Webuser191650>The bird in question looks like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_blue_magpie
13:49:56<c3manu>aww that’s kinda cute actually :)
13:50:34<c3manu>i asked because biodiv.tw seems to have a fair amount of other subdomains, and i wondered whether those are related to the content on gaga.biodiv.tw
13:50:49<c3manu>might be worth going through those as well
13:53:51<Webuser191650>biodiv.tw seems to a domain under Academia Sinica, the national academy of Taiwan (https://biodiv.tw/Mission). It should be okay unless/until China invade China
13:54:09<Webuser191650>*China invades Taiwan
13:54:45<c3manu>putting that on my "proactive" list then. thanks a lot for explaining :)
13:57:57<Webuser191650>You're welcome
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17:03:38<yzqzss>paste.kiska.pw's ipv6 got down?
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18:03:09<h2ibot>Exorcism uploaded File:Zhubai-screenshot.png: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=File%3AZhubai-screenshot.png
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20:05:36<BornOn420>nicolas17 Google has no problem with me running goo-gl *and* blogger *and* GoogleTranslator from one ip
20:06:04<BornOn420>Not a project, is running in a scraper
20:06:38<BornOn420>As soon as I throw youtube in the mix > translator throws '500' errors
20:07:11<BornOn420>So it looks like youtube is closely monitored, the others not so much
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20:08:51<BornOn420>(I'm running Google translator through https://pypi.org/project/deep-translator/ which is not the way you are supposed to do it when Google wants to earn some money)
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21:30:25<Stagnant_>All data on hexus forums will be deleted on March 1. https://forums.hexus.net/hexus-news/426608-looks-like-end-hexus-forums.html
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21:48:20<Flashfire42>Youtube is being so ban heavy I am "likely banned" running 1 concurrency on residential
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22:05:54<Vokun>i'm being fairly careful with my residential. I use yt-dlp a lot for personal archives and I've had to rotate through a few youtube channels' cookies already
22:15:10<h2ibot>JustAnotherArchivist edited UK Online Safety Act 2023 (+266, Add HEXUS Forums): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54477&oldid=54283
22:16:10<h2ibot>JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+238, /* 2025 */ Add HEXUS Forums): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54478&oldid=54472
22:25:55<@JAA>Stagnant_: Thanks, I've started another AB run. We grabbed a full copy in 2021, when the main site discontinued publications.
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23:39:25<@JAA>Re DGrin, I've let my other qwarc run through, too, and it's about to finish.
23:39:46<@JAA>It's only 30-odd GiB anyway.
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