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01:45:00 | <h2ibot> | TheTechRobo edited Reddit (-4, s/inprogress/onhiatus/g; might want to collapse…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54462&oldid=54431 |
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02:05:04 | <h2ibot> | Pokechu22 edited Mailing Lists (+31, /* Software */ +https://lists.nnedv.org (Sympa)): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54463&oldid=54365 |
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03:30:55 | <Webuser783305> | Hey folks, new to archive team. I have a modest homelab ( just a few spare pcs) and I am looking to optimize my throughput re archiveteam efforts. any advice on scaling up? Currently running docker containers on a k3s cluster plus a couple in digital ocean just for fun. curious what common barriers, limiting factors there might be to over come? |
03:35:04 | <TheTechRobo> | If you aren't already, using the project-specific containers (e.g. retrospring-grab, goo-gl-grab,...) rather than warrior-dockerfile will reduce overhead substantially and make log aggregation easier |
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05:48:28 | <@arkiver> | so for twitch what we could do is a limited project to which people can queue especially important videos for archival |
05:48:41 | <@arkiver> | we could set that up |
05:48:43 | <@arkiver> | and metadata archiving |
05:49:26 | <@arkiver> | do we have a twitch channel? |
05:49:43 | <pokechu22> | #burnthewitch or something like that IIRC |
05:49:55 | <@JAA> | #burnthetwitch |
05:50:27 | <pokechu22> | the wiki still says #archiveteam-bs (with #burnthetwitch being on EFNet), might be good to update that |
05:50:30 | <@arkiver> | oh yeah |
05:51:52 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited Twitch.tv (-45, Unabandon IRC channel): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54464&oldid=54068 |
05:52:39 | <@arkiver> | yeah i checked that wiki |
05:52:43 | <@arkiver> | thanks pokechu22 JAA |
05:52:52 | <h2ibot> | FounderOfBeans edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine/Partial exclusions (+30): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54465&oldid=54409 |
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17:45:07 | <Webuser783305> | thanks TheTechRobo! I have gone back and forth, depending where I am running, but that is good to know! |
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19:18:19 | <@JAA> | I have a successful complete qwarc archive of DGrin's topic pages. Concurrency 3 did the trick. |
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20:25:30 | <Vokun> | s/quite/quit |
20:29:56 | <Vokun> | Wasn't a goal of #burnthetwitch to be able to archive streams at one point? I vaguely remember it was just due to us not wanting to do it proactively due to the size of it. Could it be set up to work with Highlights? |
20:31:48 | <@JAA> | Messages from Matrix users are being delivered with long delays across channels now, in case anyone is getting confused by out-of-context stuff. |
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20:39:46 | <nstrom|m> | icedice: I think it depends. I've never seen youtube work from hetzner or colocrossing but other servers I have seem to be banned for some days and then it works again for a bit if I wait and come back |
20:39:47 | <nstrom|m> | some also get initial bans others just get 403s on the video urls themselves after some time. but this is probably better for #down-the-tube:hackint.org |
20:40:13 | <icedice> | Yeah |
20:40:37 | <icedice> | I just want to watch YouTube while connected to VPN and I'm quickly running out of usable IP ranges |
20:40:51 | <icedice> | * ASNs |
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20:41:29 | <icedice> | I could self-host some proxy for FoxyProxy, but >effort and also paying extra for something that used to "just work" |
20:41:50 | <icedice> | #down-the-tube |
20:42:08 | <Vokun> | "Google is an archive like a supermarket is a food museum.” |
20:42:17 | <icedice> | It seems like I'm too tired to even remember typing out /join |
20:45:04 | <Vokun> | Amazing way to put that |
20:46:19 | <icedice> | I wonder if YouTube will start deleting videos with low viewcounts at some point |
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21:25:42 | <atluxity> | with the increase of price at meeting.com I know a lot of groups are leaving the service. Has anyone looked into that? |
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22:20:50 | <egallager> | atluxity: looks like the site doesn't respond? |
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23:04:47 | <nicolas17> | I wonder if Google would notice that I'm running goo-gl *and* blogger *and* youtube from the same IP :p |
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