00:07:44<TheTechRobo>If you're running on high concurrency, that sometimes happens when starting the container, but it should resolve itself after 10 seconds or so
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00:11:52<nicolas17>oh I see, it starts the concurrent threads while the code is still being downloaded
00:12:00<nicolas17>kinda ugly but ok
00:12:44<nicolas17>I'm mostly getting "no free items available", do we have more workers than we need?
00:27:26<@Flashfire42>nicolas17 do I need to add another url shortener? I havent added one in a while.
00:27:47<nicolas17>maybe it's rate limited? idk how this project works :P
00:29:18<@Flashfire42>nicolas17 basically the way I usually set a shortener up is different to others I get it to send out one url per item where as some are doing like 50 urls per item. 1 url per item allows me to better work out what I inevitably break. this project basically runs hands free most of the time being low priority as its not serving WARCs and rather just
00:29:18<@Flashfire42>creating text documents on IA. they are slowly run through #// but they have been swamped too as of late
00:29:58<@Flashfire42>I can go in and add a new shortener but I am lazy and I would need to probably edit the wiki to do it. unless you have a specific shortener you want me to run
00:54:59<TheTechRobo>nicolas17: This project is usually pretty idle
01:06:47<phaeton>How are these fed in? Are all possibilities loaded in and then dished out or does it increment up based on the character set?
01:07:18<@Flashfire42>phaeton most of the projects do it incrementally. others have custom code that is beyond my understanding
01:13:26<phaeton>Interesting. Are there public examples on how these work? Been curious for a while on what it would take to add additional ones.
01:31:13<nstrom|m>I think we have more workers than we have work for this one most of the time but I was not here when this one was running tons of shorteners at once which I guess was a few years ago
01:32:50<nstrom|m>The custom code is in here from what I can tell https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/terroroftinytown/tree/develop/terroroftinytown/services
01:34:12<nicolas17>isn't goo.gl shutting down soon?
01:34:24<nstrom|m>And there's general info on what info is needed to add a new shortener on the wiki https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/URLTeam
01:35:19<nstrom|m>Yeah I think so, there's a sub project starting soon for it #urlteamwasright
01:35:34<nicolas17>why isn't that going full steam here?
01:38:08<nstrom|m>I assume the rate limits were set so people don't get banned but no idea past that
01:39:08<nstrom|m>Think this project has been on autopilot mostly for past 1-1.5 yr at least
01:40:17<nstrom|m>I run it on my workers but it's been very chill
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