00:47:38<@JAA>Oh boy, that's a while.
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07:21:57<HyperSpeeed>Hello there! I am Nico Mexis, owner of MCModArchive, the largest publicly accessible Minecraft mod archive. I have asked the Minecraftforum administrators July last year whether they would be able to give me a list of all the goo.gl URLs in the entire forum. Surprisingly, I got a response this night and you might also be interested in that list.
07:21:57<HyperSpeeed>Some of the links are blocked (but are still resolvable), some of them simply do not work entirely anymore, but the majority still function properly. It's only 418 links, but it's a start - do you want it?
07:23:25<@JAA>HyperSpeeed: Hi, of course. :-) It'd be best to share it in #urlteamwasright since that's where the goo.gl project will happen. You can upload the list to https://transfer.archivete.am/ .
07:24:35<HyperSpeeed>Ah - thanks for the information! And sorry, I am new here, didn't know about the file sharing. Will upload in a few minutes! :)
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20:39:29<Krownest>Sorry if this has been asked before. For this project, are we actually visiting and saving the webpage at the other end of the shortened url, or are we simply just resolving what the non-shortened url is and recording it, without actually visiting it?
20:42:16<@JAA>The latter
20:42:48<Krownest>Ok cool, so I don't have to worry about whatever horrors might lurk on the other end of the url on one of my residential boxes?
20:43:01<@JAA>Nope, this only hits the shortening services.
20:43:07<Krownest>Awesome, thanks!
20:43:23<@JAA>Some of the expanded URLs have slowly been running through #//, but that's entirely separate.
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