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21:34:19 | | Topic: Stalled until Internet Archive is back | URL shorteners were a terrible idea | This is not the URLs project! → #// | http://urlte.am/ | IRC Logs: (EFnet only!) https://archive.fart.website/bin/irclogger_log/urlteam | https://tracker.archiveteam.org:1338/ |
21:34:19 | | Topic set by JAA at 2024-10-22 19:44:18Z |
21:34:36 | | Current users: atirclog (atirclog), yano (yano), katia_ (katia), katia (katia), mls (mls), nickofnicks (nickofnicks), Vokun (Vokun), DigitalDragon (DigitalDragon), @Flashfire42 (flashfire42), T31M, fionera (Fionera), c3manu (c3manu), kiska (kiska), @ChanServ, xxia|m, mind_combatant, nstrom|m, britmob|m, tech234a|m, @Sanqui|m (Sanqui), schwarzkatz|m, thermospheric (Thermospheric), Thibaultmol, piraces|m, Minkafighter|m, x9fff00 (x9fff00), whatsthis53|m, jwoglom|m, Hans5958 (Hans5958), moe-a-m|m, Cydog|m, @flashfire42|m (flashfire42), phaeton (phaeton), audrooku|m, Roki_100|m, M0x52617370626572727920|m, s-crypt|m|m, nyuuzyou (nyuuzyou), octylFractal|m, yzqzss (yzqzss), nano412510 (nano412510), anon00001|m, l0rd_enki|m, froxcey|m, silsha, Ishiguro|m, eggdrop (eggdrop), thenes (thenes), @Fusl (Fusl), RJHacker63364, masterX244, kpcyrd, [42] (N4Y), Stagnant, Barto, KoalaBear84, mrfooooo, rewby, nulldata (nulldata), DigitalDragons (DigitalDragons), Exorcism (exorcism), benjins2, atphoenix (atphoenix), IDK (IDK), andrew (andrew), Matthww, jacksonchen666 (jacksonchen666), imer (imer), BennyOtt (BennyOtt), le0n_ (le0n), AK (AK), qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2 (qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2), datechnoman (datechnoman), nothere, jodizzle (jodizzle), fluke, @chfoo (chfoo), @hook54321 (hook54321), @rewby|backup (rewby), Soulflare, graham, cultpony (cultpony), JSharp (JSharp), mgrandi (mgrandi), maxfan8_ (maxfan8), cptcobalt, h2ibot (h2ibot), billy549 (Billy549), Dalek (Dalek), @phuzion (phuzion), @JAA (JAA), immibis (immibis), fuzzy80211 (fuzzy80211), that_lurker (that_lurker), thehedgeh0g (mrHedgehog0), nepeat (nepeat), @OrIdow6 (OrIdow6), Ryz (Ryz), TheTechRobo (TheTechRobo), Dj-Wawa (Dj-Wawa), Shjosan (Shjosan), ArchivalEfforts, Medowar (Medowar), monoxane (monoxane), BearFortress, Terbium, MrAureliusR (MrAureliusR), Jake (Jake), corentin, zhongfu (zhongfu), emberquill (emberquill), driib (driib), ThreeHM (ThreeHeadedMonkey), pabs (pabs), Muad-Dib, f_ (funderscore), nic8693102004 (nic), tzt (tzt), TastyWiener95 (TastyWiener95), itachi1706 (itachi1706), benjinsm, qw3rty_, @arkiver (arkiver), nickwasused (nickwasused), steering (steering), Craigle (Craigle), monika (boom), tech234a (tech234a), klg (klg), aninternettroll (aninternettroll), myself (myself), luckcolors (luckcolors) |
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