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06:47:21<h2ibot>[AT] URLTeam tracker https://tracker.archiveteam.org:1338/api/health is down (507,HTTP status returned: 507)
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11:20:46<wickerz>“ Error communicating with tracker: 507 Server Error: The tracker needs an operator for manual maintenance. Try again later. for url: https://tracker.archiveteam.org:1338/api/get.”
11:21:33<wickerz>^from Warrior
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13:21:05<wickerz>JAA, I think you did something last time the tracker needed help :) so just a friendly heads-up on this one
16:06:42<@JAA>wickerz: I just poked the right person that time, but this is a different thing. Maybe I can take a look later.
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17:24:00<wickerz>JAA, ah ok, I’ll keep it at the ‘general headsup’ in chat if I see something similar another time :)
17:24:23<wickerz>And ty for all the work you guys put into this!
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17:29:52<Darken>Hello getting "2024-03-27 17:25:53 Error communicating with tracker: 507 Server Error: The tracker needs an operator for manual maintenance. Try again later. for url: https://tracker.archiveteam.org:1338/api/get." on the urlteam project, not sure if this was reported yet
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