00:00:00 | <eggdrop> | [remind] arkiver: did you fix the IA pabs3 account problem? |
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05:20:24 | <@JAA> | Fun fact: the SPN form can archive URLs that contain a percent-encoded question mark in the path, but SPN /save/ cannot. |
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05:22:25 | <@JAA> | SPN /save/ will instead decode the percent-encoding and treat the part after the question mark as the query, if I'm reading it correctly. Trying to work around that with %253F doesn't work either, of course. |
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18:24:31 | <IDK> | Is https://web-beta.archive.org/save just the same function as regular SPN? I generally find this more reliable than regular SPN during downtimes |
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19:35:19 | <pokechu22> | Is there a better way to search for WARCs in newly uploaded archivebot items than this? |
19:35:21 | <pokechu22> | for i in $(ia search --itemlist 'collection:(archivebot) addeddate:[2025-02-20+TO+2025-02-21]'); do ia list $i -l -g '*plants.sc.egov.usda.gov*'; done |
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