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03:18:29<Webuser804132>is there any way to find out what other files an email has uploaded on the internet archive? im looking at an item that was darked for "account disabled: rights issues" but im trying to tell if the reason that it got darked was because the item itself received a dmca or because another item the user uploaded was dmca'd and this was collateral
03:52:07<nicolas17>you can search by username, not sure if you can search by email
03:57:21<Webuser804132>yeah thats kind of the issue, i only have the email because i can only find that from the tasks api
03:57:34<nicolas17>and yes I found the hard way that you can dark your own items but you can't undark them without contacting
03:57:43<nicolas17>...ia support
03:57:47<nicolas17>hit enter too early >.>
03:58:36<Webuser804132>yeah i ran "ia tasks" and looked at butler's tasks and it appears that they dark items either a.) in bulk or b.) one item at a time (examples of both here https://pastebin.com/raw/KNDxYzPB )
04:00:35<Webuser804132>but it doesn't really make a difference because if their account is disabled i wouldnt be able to see what they previously uploaded i guess anyways
04:04:02<Webuser804132>if there was a way to view historical tasks on submitter instead of identifier or content id that'd solve my problems but i dont think there is
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07:01:13<pabs>anyone know what https://wayback.archive-it.org/ is about? seems to be an IA iniative?
07:07:23<pokechu22>See e.g. https://wayback.archive-it.org/1582/*/ via https://archive-it.org/collections/1582 - my understanding is that it's restricted to specific archive-it.org crawls, though the same crawls also appear on web.archive.org (e.g. https://wayback.archive-it.org/1582/20120226195046/ is also at
07:07:25<pokechu22>https://web.archive.org/web/20120226195046/ from https://archive.org/details/ArchiveIt-Collection-1582)
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