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01:29:13<pabs>hmm, this page says there is one capture for http://code.usds.gov/ - https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://code.usds.gov/*
01:29:38<pabs>but the link says "The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL" https://web.archive.org/web/20230830135711/http://code.usds.gov/
01:30:03<pabs>anyone know what could cause that?
01:30:45<pabs>also, its weird that there have been so few captures, the cert transparency stuff should have saved it at least once?!
01:32:42<nicolas17>CDX API says there is 1 capture that returned HTTP 301
01:33:09<nicolas17>gov,usds,code)/ 20230830135711 http://code.usds.gov/ text/plain 301 LGGT76I5HYSS6HQT36GPANELE4H7FWR7 641
01:33:36<nicolas17>no idea why WBM doesn't *give* you that capture
01:35:28<pabs>I guess it redirected to https, wonder why the https reqest wasn't captured...
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14:30:55<@arkiver>nicolas17: hmm i guess the HTTPS version was not captured because the HTTP one already was
14:31:00<@arkiver>which would be not great
16:22:24<IDK>Hi, could someone help recover this? https://web.archive.org/web/20100820121717/http://www.paytv.se/admin/Pay/trendyfake.mp3
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20:18:07<@JAA>That code.usds.gov snapshot came from the Certificate Transparency project, which makes it extra weird because why would that even attempt HTTP rather than HTTPS (unless the latter didn't work)?
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