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10:11:57<systwi>Would anyone happen to know if there's a way I can restore the previous archive.org layout on user and search pages?
10:13:41<systwi>I've tried adjusting to the new layout since it came out but...I can't, and SingleFile-saving pages is incomplete because of lazyload / forward/backward-unloading pagination.
10:18:44<systwi>I'm crossing my fingers it's something as simple as adding [&?]ui=v3 to the URL.
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19:33:32<audrooku|m>hey JAA sorry for the mention but has the extended malfunction of the shownumpages flag necessitated a version of your cdx tool that doesn't need the flag?
19:33:47<audrooku|m>if not I'll just do my own
19:34:07<@JAA>audrooku|m: I should probably do that, yeah.
19:34:24<@JAA>Maybe the old one still works, before I removed resume keys.
19:34:55<audrooku|m>Do you know whether it will be fixed or is a deprecation?
19:36:05<@JAA>No idea, and arkiver didn't say anything to my pings either.
19:36:27<audrooku|m>alright thanks :)
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