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03:05:45<nicolas17>the upload form continues to be buggy -.-
03:06:46<nicolas17>ever since I got a collection created, I can't easily assign a new item to a collection from the web upload form
03:07:30<nicolas17>because instead of a dropdown to select which "Community suchandsuch" collection I want to use, it instead shows a text field with auto-suggestions loaded with Javascript
03:07:53<nicolas17>when I type something, it makes an API call to see what collections I have access to that contain that text, to show me the options
03:08:03<nicolas17>this API call takes 1.5 MINUTES to respond
03:30:29TheTechRobo doesn't use the HTML5 uploader anymore
03:31:35<TheTechRobo>Just tried it, it's got latency, but it's definitely not 1.5 minutes
03:31:42<nicolas17>I wanted to set the metadata nicely in the web UI
03:31:50<nicolas17>then use the CLI to upload the other 10 files
03:32:05<TheTechRobo>nicolas17: I usually do it the reverse. :P
03:32:16<TheTechRobo>But yeah, it only takes 3 or 4 seconds to load the autocomplete for me.
03:32:28<TheTechRobo>How many collections do oyu have access to? Maybe thats part of it.
03:32:36<TheTechRobo>I only have access to one outside of the ordinary community ones.
03:32:41<nicolas17>looks like it took 1.5 minutes the first time and now it got my stuff into some server-side cache
03:32:47<nicolas17>same here, community + 1 other one
03:33:18<TheTechRobo>Took about 7 or 8 seconds the first time
03:33:21<TheTechRobo>(for me)
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