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04:05:18Topic: Thanks, we know about Garry's Mod → #outofsteam | Let us know about shuttering websites and services. Put it on https://archiveteam.org/?title=Deathwatch or we may forget to save it! | Archive Team: We're not archive.org | https://archiveteam.org/ | Discussion: #archiveteam-bs | Offtopic: #archiveteam-ot
04:05:18Topic set by JAA at 2024-04-24 21:47:21Z
04:05:24Current users: atirclog (atirclog), mupf, thuban (thuban), BPCZ, le0n_ (le0n), yasom1 (yasomi), Hackerpcs_1 (Hackerpcs), simon8162 (simon816), adamus1red (adamus1red), tzt_ (tzt), sknebel_ (sknebel), Doranwen (Doranwen), thalia_, skyrock3t, tertu2 (tertu), jodizzle_ (jodizzle), Sluggs_, dxrt_, Shjosan_ (Shjosan), Lord_Nightmare (Lord_Nightmare), T31M, msrn_, MrAureliusR_ (MrAureliusR), aninternettroll (aninternettroll), abirkill (abirkill), Craigle (Craigle), ell (ell), nic869 (nic), blue_0000ff, lennier2_, qw3rty__, PredatorIWD, Naruyoko, katocala (katocala), earthnative (earthnative), datechnoman (datechnoman), HackMii (hacktheplanet), JaffaCakes118 (JaffaCakes118), nothere, loug, SootBector (SootBector), Jens (JensRex), nicolas17, ThetaDev, Bleo18260072271, wyatt8750, eroc1990 (eroc1990), treora, flotwig, ymgve_, BearFortress_, wessel1512, yano (yano), shgaqnyrjp (shgaqnyrjp), monika (boom), igloo22225 (igloo22225), Barto (Barto), andrew (andrew), fangfufu (fangfufu), imer 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09:17:37<c3manu>giving this localmonero.co thing a go in AB
09:20:23<c3manu>they're prominently telling users how to delete their accounts in that post, plus it never mentions how long the data will be available to the public.
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