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04:34:57<ArcticCircleSys>https://files.hybridized.org/ Website itself has been down for a while, files are still up for grabs though. Does anyone want to run ArchiveBot on this?
04:37:30<pokechu22>I've queued an archivebot job for it, thanks
04:37:42<ArcticCircleSys>Thank you as well.
04:38:22<ArcticCircleSys>How are archivebot jobs queued, anyway? I'm guessing it requires some perms?
04:40:08<pokechu22>Yeah, #archivebot for that. There's documentation of the commands at https://archivebot.readthedocs.io/ but you need permissions to be able to use it and it's generally easier to ask someone to run the job for you. (You can monitor the jobs at http://archivebot.com/ - files.hybridized.org hasn't started yet as it's currently waiting for space)
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