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02:23:23steering deletes his primary keyfile for his disk encryption
02:23:32steering was trying to delete the backup keyfile whose passphrase he doesn't remember
02:31:56<@imer>.. which is fine, since you can just pull it out of one of the many external backups you have.. right?
02:33:11<@JAA>Or it's unlocked, so you can just add another key to it, right?
02:33:24<steering>it is unlocked, but i don't think that's possible with luks2.
02:33:51<@JAA>Huh, it's not?
02:34:06<@JAA>Does it require you to present an existing key to add another slot?
02:34:15<steering>I do have sufficient available storage (new hdd's just arrived) to copy the data off. However, I don't have enough time to do more than start copying as much as I can to the first drive. (I only have 1 USB adapter)
02:34:42<steering>with luks1 you can just grab the key with dmsetup commands but apparently that's not possible with luks2.
02:36:43<steering>In theory *maybe* I could pull it out of kcore? IDK.
02:38:51<steering> There's a flag --disable-keyring in the cryptsetup CLI (and a corresponding flag in libcryptsetup) which deactivates the LUKS2 feature: By default in LUKS2, the volume key is apparently put into a kernel space where it's impossible to extract from user space. With LUKS1 or the --disable-keyring flag, it's put into dmcrypt.
02:40:57<@JAA>But yeah, this kind of scenario is why I keep a backup of the LUKS header.
02:50:52steering plugs in new drive and starts rsync
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02:53:40<steering>it's not even the header that's an issue.
02:53:50<@JAA>Hmm yeah, right.
02:53:51<steering>and also fireonlive had a copy of both keyfiles for me.
02:54:04<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive' now has 772 karma!
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03:29:15steering finds some random kernel module on github that promises to make a memory dump
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03:59:24<steering>it works
04:00:11<steering>https://github.com/504ensicsLabs/LiME + https://sourceforge.net/projects/findaes/ -> just try every key until blkid is successful on the result
04:00:19<steering>& https://blog.appsecco.com/breaking-full-disk-encryption-from-a-memory-dump-5a868c4fc81e
04:00:35<steering>key="... ..."; dmsetup remove luks-vol; dmsetup create luks-vol --table '0 1953492400 crypt aes-xts-plain64 '"$(echo $key | tr -d ' ')"' 0 /dev/loop1 32768'
04:01:28<steering>blkid /dev/mapper/luks-vol
04:01:28<steering>/dev/mapper/luks-vol: LABEL="datassd" UUID="d6306bbc-0fbe-419b-9540-dfac6c54779f" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4"
04:02:56<steering>now i just have to find the key for 6 other drives
04:04:22<steering>(... and re-key everything afterwards since i've now stored key material unencrypted on an ssd)
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04:45:14<steering>not too bad, only like 40 mins
04:46:04<steering>turns out all 7 keys were in like the first 8-10 keys it dumped out, or so. just that the first one i tried was one of the last keys in the group
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05:14:17<steering>yaaaay and also with cryptsetup I can do
05:14:22<steering>cryptsetup luksAddKey --volume-key-file fakekey /dev/nvme0n1
05:14:22<steering>Volume key does not match the volume.
05:14:28<steering>cryptsetup luksAddKey --volume-key-file mayberealkey /dev/nvme0n1
05:14:28<steering>Enter new passphrase for key slot:
05:15:47<monoxane>dont tell the feds xd
05:16:02<steering>echo '43 31 fc c4 1c 78 2a 13 56 60 14 e1 6a f1 d7 27 b0 91 78 ff d7 5e 4f da d5 4b 50 53 67 e7 80 deb7 20 eb 10 ae 4a 4f 31 bb a9 83 87 96 b1 20 98 19 7a 52 b2 78 9f 31 d1 42 42 41 87 20 5f 55 bb' | perl -ne 's/ //g; while (/(..)/g) { print chr hex $1; }' >mayberealkey
05:16:18<steering>if you're worried about this as an attack the solution is simple, just disable module loading (and kexec while you're at it) during boot
05:16:38<steering>(or don't give other people root / the ability to load modules)
05:17:24<monoxane>I think this very strongly falls into the "if someone has physical access to the running machine you're fucked anyway" class of attack
05:17:43<steering>I didn't need physical access for this, just root, but also true
05:18:15<steering>also, OOPS, even more reason to rotate key LOL
05:18:16<steering>oh well
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09:49:05<immibis>there's always a trade off between security and availability
09:49:11<immibis>or usability
09:50:11<immibis>it's why I'm generally skeptical of drive encryption (but I encrypted my drives anyway when the police started raiding people for opposing the Palestine genocide)
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10:17:27<f_>immibis: wait what?
10:17:53<f_>Well that sucks.
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