00:02:32<nicolas17>it's december already (UTC)
00:02:34<nicolas17>how did that happen
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02:42:30<qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2>I read through the discussion, and I agree with what thuban and TheTechRobo said. I'm not good at wording things (and also not a programmer), but it seems to me that a significant issue is that people who could (and want to) help out with the coding stuff aren't able to do that because the tracker is not open source/ci is broken/etc, so it'd make sense to prioritize solving those problems first
02:42:30<qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2>ish because they seem to be a prerequisite for anyone else even being able to help with many of the issues.
02:43:09<qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2>(hmm, message splitting ate the dash?)
02:43:15<qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2>In the category of "making it easier for people to find/use the IRC", in addition to the already-mentioned rewording of the IRC rules page to be more friendly, I think it'd be good to add some kind of "How can I request that a website be archived" link to the front page of the wiki, since (surprisingly) there doesn't currently seem to be one. It could probably be added to the "Archive Team
02:43:16<qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2>recruiting" section or somewhere near there, so it's visible without having to scroll.
02:46:44<qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2>(there was probably more I intended to say, but I couldn't figure out how to word it and now I don't remember some of it)
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03:02:07<Ryz>qwertyasdfuiopghjkl2, think you should drop in some notes in a paper, stream of consciousness and stuff o:
03:02:25<nicolas17>I didn't read the massive IRC backlog yet
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03:24:29<TheTechRobo>Regarding the IRC rules, I don't personally have an issue with the rules, but I've never been a huge fan of the examples provided. Not because of the examples themselves, but because of what's around them.
03:24:38<TheTechRobo>To put it bluntly, if I was a new Archive Team member reading through the examples, and I saw "Anyway, enough talking to the retard" in response to someone who was just asking too many questions, I'd probably assume this wasn't a great community.
03:24:47<TheTechRobo>I'm not commenting on that exact conversation. Maybe it was warranted; I don't have any context. But IMO it's really not a great introduction to AT.
03:27:41<TheTechRobo>This is just my 2 cents, I don't expect anyone to take it seriously. That's just the impression that those IRC examples have given me.
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05:05:45<steering>oh huh, that's cool, ovh gives you the option of an ipxe shell as rescue media
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07:10:05<DigitalDragons>the biggest problem with AT I see right now is that the tooling is super fragile
07:15:59<DigitalDragons>when it works, it works really well! but it is confusing to learn and has a lot of longstanding workarounds
07:18:32<DigitalDragons>(like how ArchiveBot pipelines need to keep months of uptime, because if a pipeline stops the jobs can't be restarted again)
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10:32:20<@arkiver>i agree on the IRC rules yes, they should be changed to be more "friendly" - instead of the bit of an aggressive tone they have now. (but not outright deleted as was done before)
10:35:36<szczot3k>First of all - they should be in the topic :D
10:36:13<szczot3k>I was made aware of them because of this discussion (granted: They're like most of the irc channels rules, just passive aggresive)
10:38:22<@arkiver>i dont know if they should in the topic. maybe a reference at the most.
10:39:52<szczot3k>Rules that people are not aware of are kinda pointless. People taht join #archiveteam for the first time shouldn't be forced to jump onto wiki, and search for them
10:40:08<@arkiver>we're not forcing them
10:41:12<@arkiver>people can say whatever they want when they join on IRC - if it is then seen that it's all becoming very unproductive or counterproductive, the rules on the wiki can be referenced to
10:43:19<@arkiver>the rules on the wiki will be rephrased. as for information people about them, i think we're not going to do that in the topics, as we don't see much bad behavior lately. i would continue pointing people to the rules if necessary
10:48:15<eggdrop>[karma] 'arkiver' now has 41 karma!
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12:43:36<szczot3k>immibis are you familiar with the Pumpkin of Shame? lmao
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17:32:48<@JAA>/*stdin*\ : 0.03% ( 1.88 GiB => 676 KiB
17:32:51<@JAA>Not bad...
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19:23:47<steering>I spent all night customizing a live CD image to boot with my SSH keys (and start sshd), and much of the morning getting OVH to boot it (aided by an apparent hardware failure on their side? lol). now, I'm rewarded with this.
19:23:51<steering>Progress: 0.7%, ETA 07h42m17s, 11 GiB written, speed 63.7 MiB/s
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