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00:40:36<@JAA>Uh, you might want to remove that. Oh wait, I already !ao'd it.
00:41:05<fireonlive>ugh i guess i should rotate secrets...
00:41:56<@JAA>Yeah, you wouldn't want someone to gain access to your porn stash cloud storage. :-/
00:49:19<hexa->still not removed
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03:59:38<fireonlive>hello from mIRC :o
04:00:42<fireonlive>balls, fireonlive!
04:30:38<fireonlive>google best'
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04:41:07<nulldata>The new Yahoo Answers
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07:23:57<immibis>https://youtu.be/DxVV_fpCCtI discord reads all your messages
07:24:06<immibis>(but you hopefully already guessed that)
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11:54:18<ymgve>immibis: the website where everything is public and plaintext is reading my messages!?!
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12:46:47<immibis>it gets worse: I'm reading your IRC messages.
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12:50:17<katia>lol config.json still works fireonlive
12:50:28<katia>i downloaded 35TB, how much do you have?
13:18:07<Harzilein>ymgve: "public" seems to mean something different to you
13:18:21<Harzilein>ymgve: after all i'd have to sign up with _them_.
13:19:32<Harzilein>(and i refuse to do that, because they'll use that as a marketing bulletpoint to rope others in, investors/marketers and premium users/"server owners" alike)
13:19:49<Harzilein>the "server" lingo is the cherry on the top
13:20:20<Harzilein>yes, of course, they intend to extract from you the same amount they used to get from gamers who got a forum and a {teamspeak,ventrilo}.
13:20:47<Harzilein>but calling it a "server" is trying to actively help to make people dumber.
13:21:11<Harzilein>s/hosters intend/they intend/
13:21:19<Harzilein>s/they used/hosters used/
13:22:23<Harzilein>and indeed, if those _hosters_ would have inspected everyone's server's content we'd rightfully have been outraged, even if 99% would just have been gamer clan drivel/drama.
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15:52:20<Notrealname1234>Larsenv this was u? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/919617113491120228/1243832659696816169/image.png?ex=6652e8ef&is=6651976f&hm=d14419c0806aed55547a1fee437a137fd827e4a67a3a9650c43d4eb31167d5bd&
15:53:01<Larsenv>where are you getting this shit
15:53:14<Larsenv>it's kind of creepy
15:53:20<Larsenv>I was banned on there
15:53:26<Larsenv>I'm quite pissed with redump
15:53:27<Notrealname1234>Oh ok
15:53:35<Larsenv>yesterday I sent a pm to sadikyo explaining my frustration
15:55:48<Notrealname1234>Still waiting for a reply?
15:57:23<Larsenv>haven't checked yet (and it's not your business)
15:59:27<Notrealname1234>It is actually (jk)
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16:41:36<eggdrop>[remind] fireonlive: is accounting for whether !remind people they're online done yet?
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19:25:37<fireonlive>Signal’s Meredith Whittaker on the Telegram security clash and the ‘edge lords’ at OpenAI
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20:50:27<Larsenv>!tell Notrealname1234 I don't know why you had brought it up with me, but I asked nova and she said someone had anonymously donated 20 subs to her twitch
20:50:27<eggdrop>[tell] ok, I'll tell Notrealname1234 when they join next
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21:23:16<that_lurker>well I felt a bit stunned when I opened that
21:25:28<nicolas17>worst page ever
21:26:54<myself>I don't know what I was expecting from that lady gaga link, but regardless, I wasn't expecting that.
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22:07:21<steering>fireonlive: wth is that
22:08:04<steering>nicolas17: could be as useless as those pages that say intentionally left blank
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22:10:09<fireonlive>ikr o_o
22:13:22<fireonlive>apps rely.
22:14:01<fireonlive>apparently reddit deleted and then restored that pizza glue comment after it blew up with google lol
22:54:37<nicolas17>JAA: the sole questionmark 30 minutes later is what confused me
22:56:03<@OrIdow6>It does annoy me that any Reddit comment or user, Discord server, etc. which is mildly controversial in the
22:56:13<@OrIdow6>"real world" immediately gets banned by these companies
22:56:41<@OrIdow6>So hard to find primary sources
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22:59:31<eggdrop>[tell] Notrealname1234: [2024-05-25T20:50:27Z] <Larsenv> I don't know why you had brought it up with me, but I asked nova and she said someone had anonymously donated 20 subs to her twitch
22:59:53<Larsenv>fireonlive JAA yeah I heard about that
22:59:56<Larsenv>I laughed my ass off
23:00:05<Larsenv>google's new ai thing is fucking stupid
23:00:17<Notrealname1234>It's because someone thought it was you, larsen
23:00:41<Larsenv>the ai thing I mean it can get better but as of now it's a cheap method to jump on the ai trend
23:00:54<Notrealname1234>Also, ICQ is shutting down
23:00:56<@JAA>All 'AI' is stupid because it's designed to fool people into thinking it's human rather than possessing any actual knowledge or intelligence.
23:00:56<Larsenv>google bard also had a rocky laugh
23:01:35<Larsenv>ICQ is shutting down?
23:01:41<Larsenv>God, it's been overdue
23:01:52<Larsenv>Last time I checked ICQ was a Snapchat clone no one used
23:02:24<Notrealname1234>still sad something from 1996 is ending
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23:45:26<nukke>they should shut down IRC next
23:50:27<fireonlive>shut me down next
23:50:56<Notrealname1234>Stop being sussy