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00:23:04<nukke>I thought the lady that brought up these accusations had receipts
00:23:43<nukke>All that aside, their apology video was bizarre. It had like three plugs for their mech store
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00:36:09<fireonlive>and i think that was the cut down version too?
00:38:24<fireonlive>>At this time, we feel our case for a defamation suit would be very strong; however, our deepest wish is to simply put all of this behind us.
00:57:49<nukke>can you take a screenshot? I can't see :( I'm guessing everyone is dunking on them
00:58:47<nukke>also unrelated: anyone here used paid weather/radar services and/or apps? I was thinking of paying for either RadarOmega or Windy
00:59:38<fireonlive>that top tweet... oof
01:00:30<nukke>welp. exactly what I expected from twitter
01:01:04<nukke>nicolas17: coffeezilla video on the rabbit founder/company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPOHf20slZg 🍿
01:01:21<nukke>I forget if it was you or someone else that talked about the smart assistants a month or two ago
01:04:24<fireonlive>that punch steve tweet has been taken down
01:04:28<fireonlive>>This Post violated the X Rules. Learn more
01:04:36<fireonlive>(formerly at https://x.com/GavinMoltisanti/status/1793446456520573385)
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01:34:39<nicolas17>nukke: I read that in Argentina they launch like 10% of the weather balloons that they should for decent forecast quality, paying for a weather service isn't gonna give me any better data if it doesn't exist :P
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01:38:17<nukke>don't you have to pay for eveyrthing in argentina anyway? now that everything is privatized
01:45:14fireonlive wonders if it's legal for me to be in Argentina
01:52:28<nukke>don't peg on me
01:52:37<nukke>thread* stupid autocorrect... πŸ‘€
02:02:54<nicolas17>nukke: is that the misinformation you get from your media? :P
02:05:50<fireonlive>nukke: something put a cum button up your asshole for a reason, you should learn to love it
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02:22:10<nukke>reported to the mods. enjor ur ban kiddo
02:37:26<eggdrop>[karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit.
02:44:49<TheTechRobo>fireonlive: You've said that before. lol
02:45:05<eggdrop>[karma] self karma is a selfish pursuit.
02:45:58<TheTechRobo>Interesting how the second time didn't mention God. Character development? :P https://lounge.thetechrobo.ca/uploads/a97c467c3ca0bdd1/image.png
02:47:01<fireonlive>i did write god at first then was more inclusive at the last second :d
02:48:11<fireonlive>(and of course it's nicolas17)
03:19:31<nicolas17>ok but what *is* epic's proposal
03:20:02<fireonlive>'apple must die'
03:20:38<nicolas17>fireonlive: how does that "impose harmful and unwarranted changes to Android and Google Play"?
03:24:15<nicolas17>"Google to allow third-party app stores access to Google Play’s catalog of apps for six years" that's absurd
03:24:30<nicolas17>and Google *can't* do that because it's not in the contract app developers agreed to
03:24:53<@JAA>Where can I find those terms?
03:27:23<@JAA>This? https://play.google/intl/en_us/developer-distribution-agreement.html
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09:06:18<immibis>nicolas17: court orders override contracts. if the judge says google must do that, then it means google can do that.
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10:21:57<immibis>cron is something that benefits from a GUI or it demonstrates how the Linux configuration file mentality isn't very good. learning a million niche configuration formats isn't good, and a GUI has discoverability.
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11:18:02<katia>anyone here have/recommend a mini laptop?
11:18:13<katia>something like this https://us.chuwi.com/products/minibook-x-1
11:20:19<that_lurker>what would be the use case for it?
11:22:16<katia>terminal, light browsing
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12:01:59<myself>I keep eyeing the GPD Win machines
12:02:14<myself>But those might be _too_ small, depending on one's eyesight
12:02:56<katia>mostly not sure about the input there
12:02:59<katia>keyboard and trackpad or such
12:08:21<Harzilein>gpd, were those the guys from berlin?
12:08:29<Harzilein>or chinesium?
12:08:47<Harzilein>if it's the former, their name isn't really marketing gold :D
12:10:08<Harzilein>immibis: every config management thing (augeas, Config::Model) or software built based on them (chef, puppet, ansible) is likely to have roundtripping capability for crontabs.
12:10:22<Harzilein>can have any editor mode/gui frontend you want.
12:11:30<Harzilein>i am with you with discoverability. those models better be _complete_.
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12:12:53<Harzilein>meanwhile in windows-land, considerations of "when does my change become active" are always stressful for me. with unix it's very observable.
12:22:25<immibis>every config management thing has its own configuration format to learn
12:28:42<Harzilein>part of what i wanted to say was: even "everything from one vendor"/"everything integrated" doesn't guarantee you end up in a maze of twisty little passages, all different.
12:29:03<Harzilein>windows "online" (in the old sense) documention having been moved to "agile" was a sad day too.
12:29:25<Harzilein>i'm missing the context though, comparison to windows might well turn out to be a strawman
13:02:11<nukke>myself: let me know if you have questions about GPD. I've had several of their devices
13:02:31<nukke>I currently only have the Pocket 3 and microPC
13:05:07<katia>nukke, what's the battery life on the pocket 3? which model do ytou have
13:06:18<nukke>The one with the N6000/8GB
13:06:51<nukke>Battery life is about 8-9 hours. Currently have Fedora on it
13:08:14<nukke>I have all the attachments too (RS232 module, and the KVM module)
13:08:15<katia>how do you like the input
13:08:37<katia>unfortunately it seems expense (like 2-3x the price of the chuwi n100) :(
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13:24:42<nukke>hmmm, it's not great if you plan on using it as a daily driver/laptop replacement. a Win 2 might be better
13:25:37<katia>what don't you like?
13:25:58<nukke>the keyboard layout is horrendous for anything more than typing. if you're gonna do e.g. python or bash, you're gonna have a
13:26:44<nukke>https://i.imgur.com/OUQR4Zu.png look at this thing
13:26:46<katia>the chuwi minibook is cheap, layout seems to be somewhat sane, but it's 10" so on another league than those
13:27:06<katia>ya that's terrible
13:27:29<nukke>I almost bought the minibook, but the screen is 50hz lol and based on some reviews and reddit threads, the idle power consumption is a bit high so the battery life isn't great
13:27:44<katia>you can overclock it to 60 and even 90
13:28:19<nukke>oh yeah 28.88Wh
13:28:45<nukke>katia: if you read the comments, overclocking it messes with the wifi/bt module. since it doesn't have an ethernet port it's kinda pointless
13:29:39<katia>i'd like a ARM thingy
13:29:56<nukke>thinkpad x13s (with ARM) are cheap on ebay ;)
13:30:15<katia>that's 13"!
13:30:24<nukke>get bigger pockets!
13:30:55<katia>gib smaller laptop nukke
13:31:08<katia>nice selfie
13:32:28<nukke>I carry a katia in my pockets for use in case of emergencies
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13:44:59<nyany>I think Kimsufi support have just inadvertently called themselves out for incompetency
13:50:34<nukke>Is duckduckgo down for anyone else?
13:50:52<nukke>Or not downdown, but results are not working. You can still do bangs
13:51:33<nyany>ddg is working fine for me
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15:07:00<TheTechRobo>nukke: Apparently DDG was affected by the microsoft outage
15:07:08<TheTechRobo>Might still be an issue
15:09:02<nukke>yeah seems spotty for me still. every other search fails
15:09:15<nukke>i'm guessing ti's regional
15:22:57<c3manu>yeah, mostly asia and europe: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-outage-affects-bing-copilot-duckduckgo-and-chatgpt-internet-search/
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17:22:41<fireonlive>nukke: as long as you can still bang
17:23:56<nukke>who took the bonk stick?
17:25:16<katia>fireonlive bonk++
17:25:16<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 28 karma!
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18:00:10<Notrealname1234>is good
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18:14:36<steering>2024‑05‑23 - On May 21 at 15:30 UTC the c-root team at Cogent Communications was informed that the root zone as served by c-root had ceased to track changes from the root zone publication server after May 18. Analysis showed this to have been caused by an unrelated routing policy change whose side effect was to silence the relevant monitoring systems. No production DNS queries went unanswered
18:14:42<steering>by c-root as a result of this outage, and the only impact was on root zone freshness. Root zone freshness as served by c-root was fully restored on May 22 at 16:00 UTC.
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18:26:17<nicolas17>ok but was any relevant outdated record actually served?
18:30:56<that_lurker>--rss- DNS glitch that threatened Internet stability fixed; cause remains unclear: https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/05/dns-glitch-that-threatened-internet-stability-fixed-cause-remains-unclear/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40457313
18:33:14<nicolas17>"Since that time there have been no changes in the root zone" okay so there were no consequences :P
18:35:55<that_lurker>Interesting thing is how something like that was let happen without any alarms for the maintainers.
18:37:25<nicolas17>"Reported to Cogent (ticket HD303751898) but they do not seem to understand that they manage a root name server."
18:38:25<steering>nicolas17: yeah I'm more concerned about the fact that they didn't notice til someone with a contact there emailed them directly :p
18:38:43<steering>also if you look at their webpage the last news item is... the same thing happening, it got stale and no one noticed for a while
18:38:55<steering>2019‑08‑21 - RFO for zone staleness: at 2019-08-14 1700Z, a configuration change to disable connection tracking of DNS traffic had the harmful side effect of preventing internal synchronization of the root zone to all C-root anycast nodes.
18:38:59<steering>at 2019-08-17 0021Z, the staleness problem was corrected, and also, the internal monitoring which should have detected this staleness problem was corrected.
18:39:13<nicolas17>the monitoring seems so easy too
18:39:19<steering>as far as consequences, technically a couple of changes got delayed because of it
18:39:24<nicolas17>check the SOA *from outside*
18:39:25<steering>but yeah no real harm
18:39:58<nicolas17>the fact that someone noticed and emailed them *3 days later* sounds like there's no external entity systematically monitoring it that way either?
18:40:58<fireonlive>what does ICANN even do these days besides take bribe money^W^WgTLD applications
18:41:24<steering>they run a root server better than cogent?
18:43:43<nicolas17>but yeah this was still serious, not only that it happened but that they didn't notice
18:43:45<nicolas17>this needs a more serious postmortem
18:48:26<fireonlive>they won't even ipv6 peer with HE
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21:52:42<fireonlive>Running PHP blazingly fast at the Edge with WebAssembly https://wasmer.io/posts/running-php-blazingly-fast-at-the-edge-with-wasm https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40457229
21:53:00katia baps fireonlive
21:55:25<Harzilein>did someone ... archive ... nyany's two links about kimsufi support?
21:55:45<Harzilein>i get 403 (presumably) forbidden
21:56:18<fireonlive>second one still works for me
22:00:14<katia>they were just duplicates. you are not missing anything
22:02:27<joepie91|m>fireonlive: obligatory warning to stay far away from wasmer
22:02:36<joepie91|m>dude has a Reputation in the wasm community and for good reason
22:04:12<joepie91|m>the extremely concise version is that they are constantly trying to screw others over, including functionally trying to build a monopoly on wasm code distribution by misrepresenting partnerships, as well as years of generally toxic behaviour that have led to them being thrown out of most every working group and mailing list
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22:04:37<joepie91|m>there's a very, very long tail of shit they've been up to, none of which is immediately apparent, until you start digging a bit
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22:14:39<fireonlive>:| that sounds just peachy
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