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01:26:41<immibis>typical google incompetence...
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02:02:59<fireonlive>when you go to your item and there's a history folder T_T
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02:48:12<fireonlive>i see.
02:50:46<fireonlive>dont click that
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03:00:46<nulldata>Tried to be nice and reported the subdomain takeover to the Gates Foundation last week. Got a response tonight that was a copy pasta "how to avoid phishing scams". The compromised subdomain is still up.
03:01:52<nicolas17>"my dude YOU are hosting the phishing scam"
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04:06:36<c3manu>JAA: wait, that's not the original, right? hang on
04:08:51<c3manu>that's a fun way to start the day ^^
04:15:08<pabs>nulldata: send it to CERT or something?
04:15:24<pabs>or the FBI lol
04:21:03<@JAA>c3manu, fireonlive: Oh, there's also a second song by them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1o4dyFhvTM
04:22:47<@JAA>But yeah, the tongue twister is much older. Apparently the origin is unclear: https://www.br.de/nachrichten/kultur/barbaras-rhabarberbar-woher-kommt-der-zungenbrecher,UD6hz08
04:40:44<fireonlive>wordpress seems to be taking the imgur/reddit approach of serving html for image pages now: https://ashleybradford.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/img_3854-5-8-9_800.jpg
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04:54:08<c3manu>well, i just know it from this video. that's the first time i learned about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG62zay3kck
04:54:44<nicolas17>fireonlive: aaaaaaaa I hate it
04:55:19<fireonlive>the image or the feature or both haha
04:55:47<eggdrop>[karma] 'wordpress.com' now has -1 karma!
04:56:13<c3manu>i don't get it. is there sth in the screenshot i don't see?
04:57:24<nicolas17>what screenshot?
04:57:57<c3manu>the one fireonlive posted
04:58:24<nicolas17>it's not a screenshot, it's a link to an image in a wordpress blog, which shows a webpage embedding the image instead of the image alone
04:58:29<nicolas17>similar to what imgur/reddit are doing
04:58:42<c3manu>aaah so that's what i didn't get
04:58:58<c3manu>weird. when i refreshed it, it's just the picture
04:59:29<nicolas17>but I added a question mark to bypass the cache and it's still just the picture... CDN cache?
04:59:30<@JAA>The image has the same URL, and the page embeds it. So it's in your cache after that.
05:00:02<eggdrop>[karma] 'wordpress.com' now has -2 karma!
05:00:08<c3manu>just for being confusing as heck ^^
05:00:08<@JAA>Just a question mark probably gets stripped by the browser.
05:00:13<eggdrop>[karma] 'wordpress.com' now has -3 karma!
05:00:40<nicolas17>?asdasdasd gives me the page again
05:00:50<c3manu>alright. i'd prefer to go back to bed, but i should probably get ready for work >.<
05:01:35<@JAA>Do you work at the Rhabarberbarbarabar?
05:01:54<c3manu>no, at the Barbarenbarbier! ;)
05:02:05<@JAA>Ah :-)
05:02:09<c3manu>the bar is not open until the evening ^^
05:02:49<@JAA>Keeping my fingers crossed that the Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbaren show up today.
05:03:17<c3manu>i'll let you know ;)
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09:21:38<datechnoman>My thoughts exactly
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17:29:07<@JAA>/nick Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbarbierbierbärbel
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17:52:59<that_lurker>The longest nick in town
17:55:23<@JAA>German do be like that.
17:55:39<Harzilein>,oO( do de do be do like that )
17:58:40<that_lurker>I could be lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas
17:59:34<@JAA>Huh, I would've expected at least 10% ä.
18:00:56<nukke>I hope IRCv4 supports full UTF32 for nicks
18:01:30<that_lurker>There is hämäräpäämääräistenkäräyttäjänsäästäjämäisyydelläänsäkään
18:01:56<@JAA>What do these mean?
18:02:34<nukke>Means hi in Finnish
18:03:06<that_lurker>The above first one is aircraft jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non-commissioned officer student
18:03:38<that_lurker>the other one does not have a direct translation to english I think..
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18:05:19<that_lurker>"hämärä" means "dim, "päämäärä" means "goal" or "objective", "käräyttäjän" is derived from "käräyttää," which means "to expose" or "to inform on someone", "säästäjä" means "saver", "mäisyys" is a suffix that can indicate a quality or characteristic "llä" means "with", "änsä" is a possessive suffix meaning "his" or "her" and "kään" means "also" or "even"
18:05:27<that_lurker>Finnish is a lovely language :-P
18:09:10<masterx244|m>that_lurker: another language that provides couplings to link together words like traincars for monster words
18:10:11<fireonlive>hopefully one day hackint lets us use emoji in nicks
18:10:19<fireonlive>damn the rfc!
18:10:20<nicolas17>so you can add an eggplant?
18:10:39<@JAA>lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas = Flugzeugturbinenstrahltriebwerkhilfsmechanikerunteroffiziersstudent
18:10:57<@JAA>German's got a longer one. :-P
18:11:30<nicolas17>that's what she said
18:12:44<@JAA>But yeah, Finnish is pretty intimidating. I got a bit of insight into Estonian a few years ago. Similar train wreck.
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18:13:17<fireonlive>i refuse to learn any language that assigns gender to inanimate objects
18:13:45katia ducks
18:14:46<nicolas17>fireonlive: yet boats are female in English
18:15:43<that_lurker>fireonlive: So you should learn finnish then
18:16:19<fireonlive>ugh people genderizing their boats/trucks/etc like they're going to fuck then
18:16:37<@JAA>Yeah, I've never understood why ships are female.
18:16:45<fireonlive>one of my friends has a name for every one of her vehicles
18:17:21<fireonlive>unfortunately I do not remember any of them or if they're male or female
18:17:45<nicolas17>fireonlive: there was an ex Tesla employee posting horror stories on a forum
18:18:28<nicolas17>and someone asked him "is the rumor true that Elon Musk personally fucks every car out of the factory" and he said "no tailpipe but it wouldn't surprise me if he tried the charging port"
18:22:12<steering>its a shame that finnish insists on using sounds that i can't distinguish much less reproduce. :D
18:29:07<that_lurker>you just need to learn the letters and after that pronounce the letters in a word fast and tada you are speaking finnish
18:33:30<nyany>3:22:13 PM <steering> its a shame that finnish insists on using sounds that i can't distinguish much less reproduce. :D
18:33:37<nyany>can you give us a demonstration
18:33:38<nyany>for science
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19:51:26<steering>i can not
19:52:29<@JAA>Oh, so you can knot?
19:53:52<@JAA>fireonlive bonk++
19:53:53<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 26 karma!
19:54:18<@JAA>I wonder when fireonlive bonk's karma will overtake fireonlive's.
19:54:28<@JAA>Can't be long.
19:54:29<fireonlive>good point 😅
19:54:32<fireonlive>!kfind fireonlive
19:54:32<eggdrop>[karma] 4 matches for 'fireonlive': fireonlive: '45' fireonlive bonk: '26' live++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "f
19:55:14<Harzilein>go home eggdrop, yer obviously drunk
19:55:38fireonlive SELECT ... WHERE .... in the db
19:55:52<steering>tcl is wonderful!
19:55:54<steering>tcl is amazing!
19:56:01<Harzilein>it is
19:56:05<@JAA>Tcl: ^^^
19:56:07<steering>please tcl me!
19:56:13<steering>i meanw ait what
19:56:52<fireonlive>live++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++"
19:56:53<fireonlive>"fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive++" "fireonlive
19:56:55<fireonlive>has 1 karma
19:57:09<fireonlive>from... 1713220568
19:57:33<nyany>fireonlive: the fuck
19:58:06<fireonlive>i have been thinking about karma roulette or neutral karma with the +- lol
19:58:12<fireonlive>or -+
19:58:57<Harzilein>tcl has just the right amount of batteries to get you back on solid... well... sun-lit ground when you have already dug yourself in too deep with a {,{.m}k,ba,z}sh script.
19:59:10<fireonlive>ah, it was "Dolphin" in #ai
19:59:25<fireonlive>before it was properly marked as a bot
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20:02:14<nyany>be back later.
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20:04:21<fireonlive>cu nyany
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20:12:16<fireonlive>iOS 17.5.1: This update provides important bug fixes and addresses a rare issue where photos that experienced database corruption could reappear in the Photos library even if they were deleted.
20:12:19^ (^) joins
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21:00:50<fireonlive>+rss- Show HN: Pls Fix – Hire big tech employees to appeal account suspensions: I used to work for Facebook and Google and constantly got asked questions like "Hey, my Instagram account got blocked for no reason. Could you help me get it back?". I'd say yes, it would take me 10 min to fill out an internal form and 1 week later the account was
21:00:50<fireonlive>back.Even years after leaving, I still get these requests. So I built [...] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40431126
21:00:52<fireonlive>that'll last long
21:06:19etnguyen03 (etnguyen03) joins
21:08:51<fireonlive>Wikimedia Enterprise: APIs for LLMs, AI Training, and More: https://enterprise.wikimedia.com/
21:08:57<fireonlive>(via https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40433511)
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21:10:48<fireonlive>JAA: ready for more AI? :D
21:12:34<fireonlive>yeee :C
21:12:37<Notrealname1234>Get AI'd
21:17:42<fireonlive>>Retrieve an entire Wikimedia project, updated daily.
21:17:42<fireonlive>>Monthly Snapshots are always free....
21:17:42<fireonlive>>...with an account
21:20:47<Harzilein>fireonlive: great link.
21:21:37<Harzilein>fireonlive: (the social media employee process marketplace one)
21:25:13<fireonlive>:) tks
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22:45:16<fireonlive>+rss- Sam Altman Is Showing Us Who He Really Is: https://slate.com/technology/2024/05/scarlett-johansson-ai-voice-sam-altman-openai.html https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40434800
22:45:24<fireonlive>"He’s a lying liar who lies."
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23:19:51<nulldata>How long until ArchiveTeam AI?
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