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02:32:59<biscuitenjoyer12>howdy, are there any performance differences between the archiveteam-warrior versus one of the project specific containers?(the usgov-grab to be specific)
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03:02:56<TheTechRobo>!tell biscuitenjoyer12 The project-specific containers don't have a web UI so they will likely use RAM, although in practice the effect is likely minor. The real useful thing is that they put logs on stdout, which allows you to use log centralization tools if you have a lot of containers
03:02:56<eggdrop>[tell] ok, I'll tell biscuitenjoyer12 when they join next
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03:18:44<nicolas17>use less* RAM?
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04:11:00<TheTechRobo>er, yeah
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10:57:12<@arkiver>some projects have been running a bit slow lately
10:57:19<@arkiver>it's due to the large amount of content being archived.
10:57:53<@arkiver>there's long term projects with backlog, short term projects and backlog still being uploaded
10:58:15<@arkiver>for example blogger and livestream will soon have their items finished, which is going to save enormously already
11:18:06<myself>Ooo that's exciting. All that stuff has been sitting out on staging disks this whole time?
11:23:08<@arkiver>yeah there's both crawling backlog and an upload backlog, but they're clearing out
11:23:15<@arkiver>it may take more weeks though
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16:52:28<sparky1492> Good Day all, I started having an issue with one of my docker containers last week and have been slowing troubleshooting it and now i'm stuck on what else to try. It's unable to see the warrior projects, on the "Avaliable Projects" page when the docker warrior is running only shows "ArchiveTeam's Choice" and below that show an error message of
16:52:28<sparky1492>"Phooey… No warrior projects are available for participation yet!" This docker was running fine for a week or so, then I think it was after it restarted last week sometime. I've removed the image re-downloaded, changed the compose.yaml configurations to mostly vanilla. I have other docker images and VMs on other machines running just fine on
16:52:28<sparky1492>the same network. I've not been able to find anything online that has/shows anything about that error message.
16:54:36<sparky1492>Also to add to this, the graph for downloads and uploads is constantly active showing downloads and uploads. Also checked the data folder on the docker container and only shows the warrior logs and wget items. The logs only show this:
16:54:37<sparky1492>2025-03-03 16:43:01,952 - seesaw.warrior - DEBUG - Update warrior hq.
16:54:37<sparky1492>2025-03-03 16:43:01,952 - seesaw.warrior - DEBUG - Warrior ID ''.
16:54:37<sparky1492>2025-03-03 16:53:01,953 - seesaw.warrior - DEBUG - Update warrior hq.
16:54:37<sparky1492>2025-03-03 16:53:01,953 - seesaw.warrior - DEBUG - Warrior ID ''.
17:18:08<sparky1492>also my apologizes if this needs to be in another channel please let me know
17:19:21<Blueacid>arkiver: Is the backlog due to the limited ingest speed / slot count of the IA's infrastructure? Roughly how much is staged & in the queue for transferring?
17:19:40<Blueacid>(It's incredible just how much stuff there is - kudos to all of you for wranglin' all this infrastructure!)
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