00:03:22 | <@JAA> | That's what it's used for currently, but a project would probably happen there, too, since it's the channel that was used before, too. |
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00:33:09 | <MajoraZ> | Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right channel for this, but: |
00:33:10 | <MajoraZ> | I'm trying to archive some videos/livestreams from Facebook since they are purging stream/video(?) content older then 30 days, and I am having trouble finding a tool to do this in a batch with multiple urls at once/in successon |
00:33:10 | <MajoraZ> | I was going to use yt-dlp since I know how to format command strings there to automatically save the video files with their original title and with their original upload/stream date to be inserted in the filename, but yt-dlp doesn't support livestream rips, only ripping uploaded videos. Jdownloader can rip both, but I don't know how to set |
00:33:10 | <MajoraZ> | jdownloader up so the final file names use the original upload/stream title or have the original upload/stream date included as part of the filename |
00:33:10 | <MajoraZ> | Anybody know how to set that up with jdownloader or what other tools I could use for this? |
00:34:33 | <MajoraZ> | Additionally in the event my browser crashes and I lose access to the IRC chat and past messages, I'd ask anybody who can help me here also email me at jaberwockomnis@aol.com, that way even if I miss the response here in the IRC chat, I will still see the input/suggestion via email |
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02:22:18 | <@arkiver> | facebook livestreams is possibly huge |
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02:32:13 | <MajoraZ> | arkiver , I'm not trying to archive everything, I don't have the space for that sadly, just the content I care about. |
02:33:38 | <@arkiver> | MajoraZ: do you have an example of a stream? are they public? please note that this channel is publicly logged, you can also PM it to me or email me at arkiver@protonmail.com |
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03:13:39 | <TheTechRobo> | MajoraZ: looks like jdownloader might be able to do it with its 'Packagizer' tool, see https://support.jdownloader.org/en/knowledgebase/article/what-is-the-packagizer |
03:13:54 | <TheTechRobo> | although I've never used jdownloader, so that may be incorrect |
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03:18:37 | <h2ibot> | Klorgbane edited YouTube/Technical details (+624): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54454&oldid=54138 |
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05:05:27 | <Webuser439704> | Apologies if this has been shared https://www.theverge.com/news/614664/facebook-live-video-30-day-limit-archives |
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05:07:59 | <h2ibot> | Flama12333 edited Talk:Deathwatch (+146, /* the ibm showdoc deleted old documents */ new…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54455&oldid=54415 |
05:08:59 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited Talk:Deathwatch (+187, Add missing signatures): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54456&oldid=54455 |
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05:15:01 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+263, /* 2025 */ Add Twitch storage limit): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54457&oldid=54451 |
05:16:01 | <h2ibot> | JustAnotherArchivist edited Deathwatch (+2, /* 2025 */ Fix ref): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54458&oldid=54457 |
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09:53:03 | <pabs> | MajoraZ: I've watched live streams with mpv+yt-dlp before, which one are you having trouble with? |
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12:51:48 | <h2ibot> | Cooljeanius edited Governments on YouTube (+18, /* United States */ linkify section header): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54459&oldid=54428 |
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14:11:55 | <bladem> | with regards to Twitch, the 100-hour limit came into effect immediately, streamers with >=100 hours of highlights have to delete enough to go under the limit to create any more. https://x.com/gamebot991/status/1892430647513194836 |
14:11:56 | <eggdrop> | nitter: https://nitter.net/gamebot991/status/1892430647513194836 |
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19:16:04 | <@OrIdow6> | I have again lost my logs for the last ~12 hours |
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