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03:31:45<Hans5958>> It has an OAuth flow even for anonymous access.
03:31:45<Hans5958>Microsoft sites be like redirecting to god knows how many auth endpoints just to get me logged out (because I'm not logged in
03:31:54<Hans5958>* > It has an OAuth flow even for anonymous access.
03:31:54<Hans5958>Microsoft sites be like redirecting to god knows how many auth endpoints just to get me logged out (because I'm not logged in
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03:34:45<nicolas17>Hans5958: https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/S0jkc/sso-be-like.mp4
03:35:03<nulldata>Yeah the answers site was infuriating when you followed from a Google search. Going back would just put you in a loop back to the same page
03:35:28<@JAA>Still is, but was, too.
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03:46:42<Webuser609773>hi. Has anyone tried to extract 3D files from clara.io WARC?
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04:03:34<@JAA>Webuser705947: #clarity is the right channel for that.
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04:05:01<LunarianBunny1147>nicolas17: never seen a site redirect **that** much before, thats way too many redirects
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05:44:16<Vokun>Some day in like 137 years when there is a small break with no emergency projects, it'll be nice to see mediafire get put as AT-Choice and watch it go brrr for once.
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06:09:51<Hans5958>* > It has an OAuth flow even for anonymous access.
06:09:51<Hans5958>Microsoft sites be like redirecting to god knows how many auth endpoints just to get me logged out (because I'm not logged in)
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06:14:48<Hans5958><nicolas17> "Hans5958: https://transfer...." <- Reminds me with https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/12YlLL/2025-02-07_13-13-00_firefox.mp4
06:15:48<h2ibot>PaulWise edited Mailing Lists (+31, alpine sourcehut instance): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54365&oldid=54361
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11:43:48<@OrIdow6>Have lost messages from the last ~2 days, doubt there was anything for me, but if there was you'll need to notify me again
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11:51:33<@OrIdow6>nicolas17: Suggestion to run foro3djuegos in AB anyway for now, we'll only get a subset but if e.g. site has limited capacity might be a net gain
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12:48:40<Hans5958>Wish there is VisualEditor on the wiki
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13:08:47<hexa->all non-eol versions have it *cough*
13:16:00<arch>what is the difference between todo and "out" in the tracker? https://tracker.archiveteam.org/usgovernment/
13:16:26<@arkiver>arch: out are items that have been handed out to workers
13:16:35<@arkiver>they are moved from there and marked as done if workers return them
13:16:48<@arkiver>if they're not returned, the items are reclaimed at some point
13:19:31<arch>aaaaah gotcha okay, so still eligible to be picked up at some point but being worked on
13:19:35<arch>makes sense
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14:31:06<arch>yay i can now automatically scale how many warriors i have running https://git.gmem.ca/arch/infra/commit/d53edb7a56d18983d09b5f94c30b73833512ae09
14:31:10<arch>...really badly but it works
14:32:31<arch>wouldn't preferred to run it in the same place as the webserver but python threading
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14:40:54<kiska>arch: If you want you can query influxdb for the other stats :D
14:42:35<arch>kiska: i was wondering about that, is there a wiki page or something?
14:43:31<kiska>No, but maybe I am misunderstanding what you're asking for. I have been awake for 18 hours at this point
14:46:36<arch>basically i just want to pull stats to autoscale my own warriors :p the http api works fine in this case
14:47:00<kiska>Yeah :D
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14:56:14<nicolas17>OrIdow6: good point
15:03:02<h2ibot>Nicolas17v2 edited Foro 3DJuegos (+71, Archivebot project started): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54366&oldid=54346
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15:16:06<AK>Ran https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/community/topics through AB with useragent firefox and we got an instant 403, (8w03stgm0ihey2y0p3dx0six) so not sure we'll be able to AB it
15:16:10<AK>(It's behind CF)
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15:31:09<h2ibot>Nulldata edited Deathwatch (+220, Added Capture One): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54367&oldid=54363
15:42:04<@OrIdow6>nicolas17: :thumbsup:
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15:45:23<myself>How often do individual warriors check what AT's-choice is? Could we time-modulate different projects into the AT's choice, a few seconds at a time, to get different fractions of warriors working on different projects instead of a single thundering herd all on one?
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15:51:09<masterx244|m>or "shard" it based on the IP address of the warrior request like last octet of IP%eglible_projects (could be weighted on the projects array)
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16:18:34<@OrIdow6>I've thought we could check the irsr and divert them based on that
16:20:37<@OrIdow6>As for how it selects them I believe it's this https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/warrior-hq
16:20:46<@OrIdow6>And some stuff in seesaw.py that's an API client
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16:53:37<@arkiver>OrIdow6: what is irsr in this case?
16:55:10<myself>item request serve rate, I had assumed? to tell which projects are more/less busy than others and need more/fewer workers?
16:55:24<@arkiver>i'm horrible with abbreviations
16:55:26<@arkiver>thanks myself :)
16:55:35<@arkiver>(funny to write that)
16:55:39myself bows
16:56:06<@arkiver>even when abbreviations are very obvious, it just doesn't ring a bell with me most of the time
17:00:57<myself>Ah, I'm fueled by abbreviations, I absorb them and fit them to the world around me. I used to be able to walk through a room of telecom equipment I'd never seen before, glance at the labels on the circuit packs and what sort of cabling came in/out, make assumptions about their abbreviations, then infer what each machine must be doing.
17:02:01<myself>This was great on Lucent and Fujitsu and DSC and Pulsecom equipment, but completely fell flat on Nortel whose abbreviations I assume were made French-first or something, I couldn't make heads or tails of that stuff without concerted study of the manuals.
17:03:17<nicolas17>OrIdow6: foro3djuegos started returning 403 and had to be slowed down :/
17:03:21<nicolas17>on AB
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17:11:10<TheTechRobo>Is the order of queues todo, todo:backfeed, todo:redo, todo:secondary?
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17:18:19<TheTechRobo>Also, is reclaim rate the percentage of items in the tracker that have been reclaimed at least once, or is it something else?
17:18:58<TheTechRobo>(Not to be confused with "reclaim serve rate", which I'm guessing means the percentage of item requests that result in an item being reclaimed)
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17:31:40<h2ibot>TheTechRobo edited Tracker (+1731, More info, mostly on stats): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54368&oldid=54031
17:31:41<TheTechRobo>^ please correct that if it is wrong
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17:35:41<h2ibot>TheTechRobo edited Archiveteam:Acronyms (+143, Add irsr and rtt): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54369&oldid=53989
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17:38:37<Webuser587589>Hello everyone, can someone help me find the image address for the archive team choice project? I'd like for my containers to automatically contribute to the archive team choice, whatever that might be. Thank you!
17:39:51<that_lurker>Webuser587589: The warrior image has that option.
17:48:06<@arkiver>myself: hah, yeah, that is the exact opposite of me :P
17:48:21<@arkiver>TheTechRobo: almost, switch todo:secondary and todo:redo
17:48:33<@arkiver>todo, todo:backfeed, todo:secondary, todo:redo
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17:49:44<h2ibot>TheTechRobo edited Tracker (+0, Fix queue order): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54370&oldid=54368
17:49:53<TheTechRobo>arkiver: Thanks!
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18:16:43<Webuser587589>that_lurker I'm not seeing the image address for the warrior image. I've tried combinations of archiveteam-grab, warrior-grab etc and haven't figured it out. Can you please give me some more direction?
18:17:17<nicolas17>I'm not sure if the warrior is in docker
18:17:23<nicolas17>if you want to use docker, use a specific project
18:18:36<TheTechRobo>the Warrior is in Docker, that's what the VM uses
18:18:46<TheTechRobo>I believe the image address is atdr.meo.ws/archiveteam/warrior-dockerfile
18:20:12<TheTechRobo>indeed: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior#Advanced_usage_(container_only)
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18:31:03<@OrIdow6>nicolas17: I assume those are should-be-429s 403s and not "site is gloabbly overloaded" 403s?
18:31:16<@OrIdow6>Yes item request serve rate
18:34:01<nicolas17>OrIdow6: hard to tell, we slowed down and it's working again
18:35:25<h2ibot>TheTechRobo edited Tracker (+254, Add typical queue usages): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54371&oldid=54370
18:35:26<h2ibot>TheTechRobo edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+69, /* I'm looking at the leaderboard. What do the…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54372&oldid=54364
18:35:28<@arkiver>using item request server rate could be a solution
18:36:03<@arkiver>what I'd rather see though, gives more control, which is doable when there's not a huge number of projects, is a factor per project
18:37:29<@arkiver>from those factors a total can be calculate, an a percentage the factor is of this total. then the warrior on the default project evaluate this every hour or half hour, and uses this percentage as probability of switching to a different project
18:37:47<@arkiver>might have to put something in place to not causes switches without need, which may be more difficult
18:38:58<@arkiver>the probability for a worker to run a project could be adjusted according to the number of workers that actually run that project
18:39:55<@arkiver>so we'd have "admin set fraction", and "live situation adjusted fraction" (probably bad name)
18:40:13<@arkiver>maybe the difference between those can be used to regulate switches, so a warrior does not switch from project to project every hour
18:40:28<@arkiver>(not sure if i'm being entirely clear)
18:40:48<@arkiver>this would be set in the JSON file pulled by the warriors
18:43:59<@arkiver>separate process pings an endpoint every minutes noting which project their running, and that is how we keep track of what percentage is on what project, and adjust accordingly
18:45:27<@arkiver>opinions very welcome ^
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20:50:20<AK>I guess one option is warriors won't change more often than say once per hour. Unless a project is then marked as "disabled" in which case they'll switch to default regardless of their switching timeout
20:51:11<AK>It's almost some kind of "sticky" project, that also avoids suddenly swarming a project with thousands of warriors that have all finished their check at the same time
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22:23:52<h2ibot>Cooljeanius edited YouTube (+27, /* Archive Team project */ link to…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=54373&oldid=54320
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