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00:58:46<tzt>pabs: https://gist.github.com/adulau/5caf188bb1f63263bf7ac00c4a19f710
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01:14:35<eggdrop>[karma] 'tzt' now has 2 karma!
02:35:52<h2ibot>Ryz edited ArchiveBot/Monitoring (+568, /* Ideas */ Added 'RSS feeds' with ongoing info…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53872&oldid=53866
02:37:43<Ryz>Yaaaaay, my edit made it O:
02:54:24<@JAA>pabs: mail-archive.com came up in another channel, so I had a look at their FAQ, and this bit is interesting:
02:54:27<@JAA>> The Mail Archive works with a number of organizations to provide primary or secondary list archives. For example, some organizations run a large number of mailing lists and systematically archive everything on this service. Contact the support team for assistance or discussion.
02:54:45<@JAA>They also mention that they keep raw emails but they aren't publicly accessible.
02:55:06<@JAA>So maybe they're already partnering with IA or willing to do so if not.
02:55:15<@JAA>And potentially even preserving the raw data.
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04:15:34<pabs>a proper partnership sounds better indeed
04:16:02<pabs>marc.info does publicly post raw (or at least partially raw) mails
04:16:35<nicolas17>I think some of KDE's lists use marc.info as primary archive
04:19:26<pabs>I asked because I found a list that had mail-archive.com as the only archive
04:23:32<pabs>https://www.hyphanet.org/pages/help.html#mailing-lists https://www.mail-archive.com/devl@freenetproject.org/
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04:31:12<h2ibot>Ryz edited ArchiveBot/Monitoring (+346, /* Ideas */ Added more info on category feeds): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53873&oldid=53872
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05:30:31<Lord_Nightmare>https://marshallbrain.com/ needs archiving as the author passed away a few days ago
05:36:36<@OrIdow6>Lord_Nightmare: Already done in AB
05:41:03<@OrIdow6>I'd set the #at topic but my client is broken
05:43:14<@OrIdow6>!remindme 1.7h thing
05:43:15<eggdrop>[remind] unable to parse time: unable to convert date-time string "1.7 hours": syntax error (characters 1-1)
05:43:29<@OrIdow6>!remindme 102m thing
05:43:30<eggdrop>[remind] ok, i'll remind you at 2024-11-25T07:25:29Z
05:52:27<h2ibot>Ryz edited ArchiveBot/Monitoring (+268, /* Ideas */ Added 'Dailymotion', 'Facebook',…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53875&oldid=53874
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06:05:40<@arkiver>pabs: that is a nice idea yeah
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07:26:11<@OrIdow6>Funny, I open the IRC window thinking "hmm, shouldn't that reminder have gotten sent?" about a second before it is
07:28:44<pabs>arkiver: re mailing lists, I think about groups.google.com and https://www.freelists.org/ similarly to the other two
07:29:09<pabs>there may be others too I forgot
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07:30:53<pabs>oh, that Nabble thing
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08:35:00<@arkiver>pabs: i will look into a general project for mailing lists with outlinks to #//
08:35:06<@arkiver>there's a ton of important stuff in mailing lists
08:35:16<@arkiver>pabs: do you have a list of different styles/types of mailing lists?
08:35:32<@arkiver>and, the discourse project is coming. i see discourse pop up in so many places nowadays...
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08:36:53<pabs>AB is usually enough for Discorse right? https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Discourse
08:37:22<pabs>I've got a few different lists of mailing list projects
08:38:17<pabs>theres also mailman3 with the hyperkitty archiver
08:38:36<@arkiver>pabs: yes but maybe we want everything :)
08:38:49<@arkiver>pabs: got an example of mailman3?
08:39:41<pabs>next up is sympa, I've got 20 instances of that since I started collecting
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08:40:14<pabs>public-inbox is popular around the Linux kernel and FOSS community, that stores mail in git IIRC. I have some instances of that
08:40:27<@JAA>LISTSERV is a 'fun' one.
08:41:55<pabs>I've a file called archive-lyris with this URL that I think was mailing list related (now dead) http://fredshack.com/docs/exchange.html
08:42:33<pabs>another one is mlmmj - only noted lists.lighttpd.net so far
08:42:47<pabs>couple of instances of lurker: https://lists.dyne.org/ https://www.guilde.asso.fr/lurker/
08:43:03<pabs>couple of instances of mhonarc https://identicalsoftware.com/maillist/xwpe/ https://archives.seul.org/
08:43:19<pabs>lists.gnu.org is mhonarc too, AB got that at least once IIRC
08:43:59<pabs>couple of instances of hypermail https://lists.suckless.org/ https://list.skarnet.org/lists/
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08:44:37<Webuser831347>how do I access archives
08:45:52<pabs>which archives are you after. usually just go to https://web.archive.org/ though
08:46:31<pabs>arkiver: also seems there are some list archiving tools listed here https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Mailman
08:47:01<@JAA>LISTSERV example (that is currently running through AB): https://listserv.ihs.gov/ It's timing out for me for some reason I couldn't figure out, but I know it's up.
08:47:01<Webuser831347>ty so much!
08:47:08<pabs>arkiver: and there is lists.debian.org, which is a custom thing
08:47:48<pabs>also, I've in my TODO to create a project to find mailing list messages by Message-Id, there are some lookup services
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08:49:18<pabs>was going to turn this into some Python module: https://transfer.archivete.am/RPnUb/message-id-to-mailing-list-archive-lookup-TODO.txt
08:49:19<eggdrop>inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/RPnUb/message-id-to-mailing-list-archive-lookup-TODO.txt
08:49:48<pabs>and there is gmane.io too, but thats NNTP-only these days
08:50:36<@arkiver>yeah we should archive these things
08:50:44<@arkiver>they contain incredibly important information
08:50:51<@arkiver>we can also start discovering them through #// maybe
08:51:12<pabs>oh yeah and there sourcehut forge system mailing lists too. lists.sr.ht for the main instance, but there are other sourcehut instances out there
08:51:21<pabs>and sourceforge.net hosts tons of mailing lists
08:51:30<@arkiver>do you have some examples?
08:52:43<pabs>I think it used to be mailman, partly looks like it, but the archives are very custom now https://sourceforge.net/p/valgrind/mailman/valgrind-announce/
08:54:14<pabs>I think the postgres folks have a custom one, and notmuchmail does too https://nmbug.notmuchmail.org/nmweb/
08:55:05<pabs>I'm also monitoring AB for mailman2 lists
08:56:18<pabs>as you can see in the TODO, LWN archives lots of mailing lists too
08:57:33<pabs>sympa example https://framalistes.org/sympa/
08:58:11<pabs>canonical public-inbox is https://lore.kernel.org/ - but thats huge
09:00:34<@JAA>'Majordomo2': https://mail.kspei.com/cgi-bin/mj_wwwusr?domain=lists.mj2.org&func=lists-full&extra=mj2-dev https://lists.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/mj_wwwusr
09:09:33<@JAA>There used to be CREN's ListProc, but I can't find any working instances. Website: https://listproc.sourceforge.net/ A page with information on it: http://rawdc.org/web/ListProc.html
09:09:41<pabs>also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mailing_list_software https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mailing_list_software
09:10:22<@JAA>http://www.techwr-l.com/archives/ is something heavily styled, I think?
09:12:31<Alienmaster|m>Is anybody collecting bluesky?
09:13:31<Alienmaster|m>Or is anybody interested in? I would like to join in.
09:14:38<pabs>nothing mentioned here yet https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Bluesky
09:16:29<pabs>mikolaj|m: you might also be interested in the above discussion about mailing list archival stuff
09:16:40<pabs>(as the author of forum-dl)
09:17:27<@arkiver>do we have a channel for mailing lists?
09:18:50<@JAA>I don't think so.
09:19:22<pabs>no wiki page either
09:20:44<pabs>its good because lists are burning, and people tend to write flames to mailing lists :)
09:23:42<@JAA>Yeah, even better :-)
09:23:46<pabs>maybe wikidata has a list of mailing lists?
09:25:23<@JAA>Only about 28 on Wikidata, it seems.
09:25:56<pabs>also https://framalistes.org/abc/en/ https://framagroupes.org/abc/en/
09:26:09<pabs>ah those are sympa
09:27:16<@JAA>That's by 'instance of (P31) electronic mailing list (Q304863)', but there might be a few more with other links to that item via refs etc.: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:WhatLinksHere/Q304863
09:32:01<pabs>https://builtwith.com/mailman has some
09:44:46<masterx244|m>just noticed that one of my old imgone-archival-crawls got "load bearing" again when i pulled a forum into WARCs. just saw that the site started to throw "server not found" when i checked if the rss-feed was up again (had a few feeds off in my reader after getting 5xx errors, some started to work after a while, thats why i went thru the list).
09:45:13<pabs>arkiver: and also another proprietary one https://groups.io/
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09:46:09<pabs>lots more in that thing https://alternativeto.net/tag/mailing-list/
09:56:16<h2ibot>Gragh created Garnek (+23, redir): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Garnek
09:59:11<Alienmaster|m>I have one question about the twitter data: Is there any other source available for the data than the now restricted archive repository?
10:05:48<pabs>anarcat: ^ you may also be interested in the mailing list archiving stuff above
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11:22:41<@arkiver>default project switched to telegram, because when we switched it away from askfm, it did not seem to have an effect on numbers of items finishing
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14:13:53<anarcat>pabs: tldr?
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14:15:41<pabs>anarcat: arkiver is planning on a general DPoS project for mailing list archives, looking for notable self-hostable archiving software and notable libre/proprietary archive hosting services
14:19:06<pabs>Distributed Preservation of Service - aka the warrior projects
14:20:18<szczot3k>TOR also runs their own mailing list - might be a good idea to archive.
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14:22:18<pabs>anarcat already saved that
14:22:53<pabs>hmm, or not?! https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/domain/lists.torproject.org
14:23:08<pabs>anarcat: what happened with the AB job?
14:23:17<pabs>maybe its still in the IA upload backlog
14:25:57<szczot3k>https://groups.io/search there's also groups.io, which is similiar to google groups. Some projects (including #dn42) use it as their main mailing lists
14:26:15<szczot3k>Not sure if it's an AB job, or a dpos one
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14:29:41<pabs>groups.io was mentioned above. lists.torproject.org was AB, the general one would be DPoS.
14:30:04<szczot3k>Just noticed
14:31:02<anarcat>we definitely crawled lists.tpo
14:31:15<anarcat>and the pipermail HTML is still available in https://archive.torproject.org/websites/lists.torproject.org/pipermail/
14:31:16<pabs>yeah I see it the logs. upload backlog I guess
14:31:23<anarcat>archive.org dying and all
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14:54:14<h2ibot>Nicolas17v2 edited Garnek.pl (+4, Marking site as offline+partiallysaved, though…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53880&oldid=53869
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16:14:19<szczot3k>How useful is a semi-large amount of ipv6 (256 /48s, AKA 1 /40) for archiving? Do most places just treat a single /64 (as per RFCs) the same as a /32 on ipv4?
16:16:15<szczot3k>Because if that's the case, then I'd be at a point where the amounts of IPs isn't an issue, and compute starts to be a limiting factor.
16:17:29<h2ibot>Posquito edited Current Projects (-9, add garnek.pl, remove Curious Cat): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53881&oldid=53863
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16:19:57<imer>szczot3k: currently no project comes to mind. maybe #telegrab in the future if we (and by we, I mean ark_iver) confirm v6 works properly (it didn't a while ago, but there might have been changes on their end)
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16:23:05<szczot3k>If any such projects pop up, I'm willing to put this /40 to a good use (currently using a single /64 out of my entire allocation)
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17:09:25<nicolas17>szczot3k: I think most websites we try to archive don't support IPv6 :P
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17:28:37<imer>can scratch out the "we try to archive" part as well :|
17:28:43<imer>slowly getting better though
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19:00:36<Ryz>Did an archive of http://www.z80st.es/ last week in AB, which is pretty good timing since it's currently down or gone x_x;
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19:04:15<eggdrop>[karma] 'Ryz' now has 45 karma!
19:10:29<Ryz>I'm trying to grind through the oldest backlog stuff as much as I can <#>;
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19:13:33<Ryz>Is it me or is the uploads from AB to WBM seem a bit slower than usual? Trying to see if https://the-maze-of-galious.softag.com/ was archived and along with the download link over at WBM
19:15:23<nicolas17>did you archive it recently?
19:16:21<nicolas17>most recent upload is from 15 minutes ago, but that doesn't mean all previous ones are uploaded
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19:18:57<Ryz>Yeah, like 2 days ago
19:19:43<nicolas17>I know a lot of outage-era stuff is still pending
19:23:07<Ryz>Mmm, how long to go for that pile? Like time-wise and file-size wise? o.o;
19:24:03<@JAA>Have you checked the oldest item with a timestamp after the job finished (or, occasionally, the one after that)?
19:24:59<@JAA>It's probably uploaded but still deriving.
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19:27:12<lennier2>I see Freevee was mentioned once earlier. Best I can tell there's no website, just shows you can watch from Amazon logged in. However, you don't need an account to watch from "other supported living room devices (smart TVs, game consoles, set top boxes, and media players)". I have no idea what sort of protocol those use.
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19:34:28<alexlehm>Freevee uses drm-protected movie files
19:35:03<alexlehm>its essentially like Netflix/Prime but without a subscription
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22:25:36<mls>pabs: Re: mailing list archives. Not sure how many are still using ezmlm/ezmlm-idx/ezmlm-web, I know it from using qmail/djbdns back in the day. There's a couple listed over at https://cr.yp.to/lists.html
22:28:51<@JAA>Oh yeah, it wasn't explicitly mentioned, but #flaming-lists exists since 13-ish hours ago.
22:29:53<mls>Righto, cheers
22:56:35<nicolas17>the Lens service already shut down on nov 22, and I think it was mostly not public data anyway
22:57:10<nicolas17>ah I see pabs already archivebot'd the website on nov 18, good
22:57:28<eggdrop>[karma] 'pabs' now has 35 karma!
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23:23:32<pabs>nicolas17: unfortunately my email to them asking about the public lens.ondsel.com git repos was not replied to :(
23:28:02<pabs>the ones that were public looked like they were stored in git, but the repo URLs were not public
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23:51:02<pabs>lens.ondsel.com was very JSy :/ I tried to do some stuff with a browser but it was too time consuming
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