00:00:49<@JAA>immibis: Hm? It's AGPLv3.
00:01:52<immibis>they published some source code but repeatedly refuse to prove that is actually the source code of Signal.
00:02:10<@JAA>The Android build is supposedly reproducible, though I haven't tested that.
00:02:13<nicolas17>don't they do reproducible builds?
00:04:01<@JAA>Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of issues with it. The official builds include proprietary code (Google stuff, among other things), unless that changed in the past couple years.
00:07:34<@JAA>(There's at least one third-party FOSS build of it.)
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00:15:35<fireonlive>apparently they want to do reproducible builds for apple as well but apple wont let them?
00:15:47<nicolas17>well they can
00:16:08<nicolas17>they can make the code compile in a reproducible way
00:16:34<nicolas17>the problem is that you can't check if the binary you (and anyone) compiles matches what's in the app store, and raise the alarm if it doesn't match
00:16:45<nicolas17>because the binary from the appstore is DRM'd
00:22:31<@JAA>Well, most Android users can't do that either. You'd have to use the APK from the website *and* disable its internal updater.
00:22:49<@JAA>But yeah
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00:50:20<nukke>fireonlive: same dude https://x.com/danghentschel/status/1778217579926224997
00:50:43<nukke>I can't stop laughing
02:18:52<nulldata>On WAN show Linus spent 5+ minutes talking about how you can't be mad all the time and should acknowledge when someone does something good. Then a topic or 2 later reported on GamersNexus' ASUS repair issues and wouldn't say the reporting came from GN lol
02:24:21<nukke>his take on the Apple iPad ad was kinda dumb imo and that was like 2-3 days ago
02:25:01<nukke>also his recent take on the steam deck is also just... oof
02:35:05<fireonlive>nulldata: lmao, that petty bitch
02:36:19<fireonlive>thuban: yeah thanks :) i should fix my regex to see if i can cover that too
02:36:31<fireonlive>it's a bit of massaging so [clock scan ...] is happier
02:38:11<nulldata>Heh at the start of the show they covered the deleted pictures reappearing on Apple devices after the latest update and started blaming it on iCloud. People in chat tried to tell him it's more likely the files were still on the device and never deleted, just flagged as deleted. He disagreed because "NAND doesn't work like that".
02:42:51<nicolas17>if the file is deleted, it's deleted, that's how NAND works
02:43:04<nicolas17>but it's possible the file was not deleted, just the photo in the photos database
02:49:11<nulldata>That's contingent on the OS/file system telling the NAND though. You can 'delete' things in the file system index and never tell the NAND to secure erase that portion.
02:50:28<nukke>yes, that's absolutely on the file system and OS. agreed with nulldata
02:50:51<nukke>also there were reports of users that did the "factory reset" procedure, sold the device and still had their media reappear
02:51:49<nukke>afaik Secure Erase _can_ be done on individual partitions/parts of the flash storage that would not affect the recovery partition
02:52:20<nicolas17>secure erase on iOS works by securely erasing the encryption keys
02:52:30<nukke>I listen to WAN show clips when I need my blood pressure to go up :P
02:52:53<nulldata>nicolas17 - apparently not though :P
02:53:32<nicolas17>if they actually did the factory reset they were supposed to do, then the photo resurrection is likely iCloud-related
02:55:00<nulldata>I'm leaning toward they didn't do what they were supposed to do. Later in the show someone mentioned they just updated and had old images reappear - and they had iCloud off.
02:55:47<nicolas17>*that* seems more like deleting photos is leaving leftover files
02:56:00<nicolas17>and 17.5 is finding the unreferenced files and re-adding them to the DB
02:56:24<fireonlive>given the absolute fucking mess imessage was for me i'd believe it
02:56:51<nicolas17>fireonlive: oh there was also someone claiming these were images sent over iMessage that a bug is re-adding to the photo library
02:56:52<nukke>even then, if it was icloud, *not* logging into your apple account on a device *after* it's been factory reset should not restore your images
02:57:05<nicolas17>after they were deleted from the photo library but they are still in iMessage history
02:57:08<nukke>like the users that are saying that deleted files on reset devices that have been sold off to someone else
02:57:16<fireonlive>and the resultant reluctant decision to delete the convo after all to have something that would work resulting in crashes and needing to reboot the phone and re-deleting like 5 times... lol
02:57:38<nulldata>The story initially broke when someone who (at least claims) factory wiped their device and sold it to a friend had images from the initial owner appear after the phone was updated.
02:58:29<nukke>knowing apple we will never know the root cause 🤡
02:58:40<nicolas17>nulldata: https://old.reddit.com/r/ios/comments/1cryayx/latest_ios_update_has_brought_back_some_pictures/ I think this was the first
02:58:44<nukke>"Release notes: - Fixed random bugs"
02:58:45fireonlive writes down: buy old phones of hot friends
02:59:10<nukke>nicolas17: please take out the bonk stick
02:59:16<nicolas17>nukke: did you see this https://old.reddit.com/r/ios/comments/1cryayx/latest_ios_update_has_brought_back_some_pictures/l4b2thx/
02:59:27<nicolas17>idr if I sent it here
03:00:06<nukke>yeah you did link that yesterday iirc. seems a bit tinfoil-y even for me
03:00:09<nulldata>fireonlive - better hurry before Apple pulls the update and stops signing update auths :P
03:00:24<fireonlive>! indeed
03:00:24<nicolas17>it's fuckin hilarious
03:04:50<@JAA>fireonlive bonk++
03:04:50<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 19 karma!
03:22:27<nulldata>*surprise!* Boeing Starliner has been delayed again! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/boeing-starliners-debut-crewed-flight-025244184.html
03:39:36<fireonlive>no wai
04:28:37<@JAA>Speaking of Apple, to the surprise of absolutely noone: https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/17/apple_browser_eu/
04:30:01<fireonlive>apple just wants to protect the security of those in better regions of the world
04:30:11fireonlive dies
04:45:44<nicolas17>scroll down slowly
04:46:17<nicolas17>"The outline of whole building is a whole view from top" "this differs from the customary OSM manner (use of the ground floor of the building)"
04:46:32<nicolas17>followed by the last thing you would expect to see as an example
05:00:06<nukke>didn't that one cofounder just leave like two days ago? 👀
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06:11:13<fireonlive>scam link is: https://t.me/Simple_Tap_Bot?start=1715887132160
06:11:27<fireonlive>i assume the start is a referrer id?
06:40:39<steering>could be that too but it's just a millisecond unix timestamp
06:40:53<steering>$ TZ= date -d @1715887132
06:40:53<steering>Thu May 16 19:18:52 UTC 2024
07:46:00<fireonlive>ah right
07:46:27<fireonlive>still not used to 17x yet :(
08:32:20<f_>fireonlive bonk++
08:32:20<eggdrop>[karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 23 karma!
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17:27:49<fireonlive>for what :o
17:28:04<fireonlive>oh the apple thing
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17:46:30<fireonlive>https://1999world.com/ got an ad for this, apparently it's a colab between "88rising" and microsoft. said powered by copilot?
17:46:34<fireonlive>kinda neat ig
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18:12:41<nicolas17>lost the "don't want to hear about LLMs for a whole day" challenge
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18:53:10<fireonlive>!tell nicolas17 have something apple related instead https://youtu.be/reQq8fx4D0Q
18:53:11<eggdrop>[tell] ok, I'll tell nicolas17 when they join next
18:59:49<kiska>fireonlive: https://youtu.be/dNn6Yzcwpvw :D
19:22:47<fireonlive>interesting how they're aging out; reminds me of japan kinda lol
19:22:52<fireonlive>not enough youngins
19:23:07<kiska>They wouldn't be if the pay was right :D
19:23:38<fireonlive>ye :D
19:23:45<fireonlive>better to just go work on cars lmao
19:23:56<kiska>Better to be a freight handler :D
19:24:35<kiska>I have a co worker who's apprenticeship is about 12 hours of pay as a freight handler
19:26:24<fireonlive>o_o the whole thing?
19:28:53<kiska>I will select one of these https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/4ece9c29a9e1064a/image.png
19:29:13<kiska>Any of the 240
19:29:18<kiska>Which one do you want?
19:30:25<fireonlive>4th year hydrocarbon
19:30:45<thuban>i like to think that an 'aged persons apprentice' is just a middle-aged person
19:32:27<kiska>Here is the result https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/7e54a62b2968ab29/image.png
19:32:48<kiska>The weekly pay rate, I get that in 20 hours
19:34:05<that_lurker>"Not the pay rate you expected? Get help" :-P
19:34:33<kiska>This is if you are over 21 years old when the apprenticeship was started, if you finished high school(ie year 12)
19:35:54<kiska>Here is the result if you didn't complete year 12 and you started apprenticeship < 21 years old https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/9af3926356ddaae2/image.png
19:38:01<steering> apprentice maintenance trade
19:38:01<steering> apprentice maintenance worker
19:38:04<kiska>fireonlive: Here is 1st year as an adult apprentice https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/2d016a343bac1a1d/image.png
19:38:06<steering> maintenance apprentice
19:38:10<steering>what is the difference lol
19:38:17<kiska>No clue :D
19:39:05<fireonlive>'penalty rate' eh
19:39:48<steering>kinda wish we got bonuses like that here :D
19:39:49<fireonlive>what does maccas pay there xD
19:40:17<kiska>Maccas eh...
19:40:25<kiska>I think that is the fast food industry award
19:40:50<steering>i've had a job that gave me $0.25/hour for overnight work, and most only give 1.5x pay for holidays (and nothing for weekends) :(
19:41:16<kiska>fireonliveHere is your result https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/879032bf3128a293/image.png
19:41:26<kiska>fireonlive: ^
19:42:00<that_lurker>are those apprentices like some form of government paid stydying on the job for a possible postition in the company?
19:42:11<kiska>Nope :D
19:43:31<steering>as an american those would all be quite good wages for those positions, even converted to USD
19:45:49<kiska>that_lurker: https://www.seek.com.au/job/75920412 for this position the minimum pay that the company has to pay is listed here: https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/0ec611d4437cd108/image.png
19:46:31<kiska>Of course they can pay more than award, but why would they :D
19:46:37<that_lurker>ahh ok
19:46:47<fireonlive>kiska: $30.91?!
19:46:47<kiska>steering: Even the latest one?
19:47:04<steering>kiska: ... yeah, probably
19:47:51<kiska>Here are the OT for that position since PACT didn't include for some reason https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/7e58f8494697597d/image.png
19:47:55<steering>low-to-no experience working for the appliance store? yeah
19:48:43<kiska>steering: What about the comparison with working at maccas :D
19:49:00<steering>for comparison I make $41/hour as the sole IT employee for a 100 person company spread across 3 countries
19:49:32<kiska>I get paid $45.85 per hour as a freight handler :D
19:49:33<steering>(admittedly that's $61 aud)
19:49:42<kiska>$30.72 USD
19:50:31<steering>most I made at any other job (mostly tech support) was $18/hour
19:50:57<steering>(* that's 6 years ago now so pay has come up a bit from there but... yeah)
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19:51:55<kiska>So yeah... I get paid quite a bit for the profession I am currently doing :D
19:52:08<steering>i would die tbh
19:52:18<steering>so you should get paid well :P
19:52:57<kiska>I lost a lot of weight since I started there'
19:53:26<kiska>I went from 105KG down to 82KG in 3 years
19:53:54<kiska>Who knew being more active means more energy required which means weight loss! :D
19:54:24<fireonlive>you get paid to exercise!
19:54:25<that_lurker>Best form of exercise is the one you do because of work :-)
19:54:59<kiska>steering: Free gym! :D
19:56:13<kiska>I stumbled across this https://www.eecs.umich.edu/courses/eecs570/hw/phi_intro.pdf :D
19:56:25<kiska>I have 2x Xeon Phi 5110P
19:58:03<that_lurker>gotta love it when you stumble uppon a random pdf file and see that archiveteam_urls has grabbed it and most likely all the links in it :-)
19:58:42<fireonlive>:) agreed
19:59:15<eggdrop>[karma] 'arkiver' now has 27 karma!
20:01:16<that_lurker>I had one pdf saved that had somewhat of a same premise on the optimization part, but for linux kernel compiling as an example. Never got to the buy a server part so no idea where that pdf is
20:03:57<steering>I sometimes feel like I shouldn't have gotten a car, then I'd still be in shape from biking everywhere
20:04:04<steering>not really an option where I used to live though
20:08:55<kiska>it is an option for me tho :D
20:09:06<kiska>Well... not if I get a second job
20:16:02<kiska>fireonlive: https://youtu.be/7SIiZWYo7HU?t=548
20:28:58<kiska>More fun pdf's cause I have a Xeon Phi https://engineering.purdue.edu/~eigenman/ECE563/Handouts/intel-xeon-phi-systemsoftwaredevelopersguide.pdf
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20:33:59<eggdrop>[tell] nicolas17: [2024-05-18T18:53:10Z] <fireonlive> have something apple related instead https://youtu.be/reQq8fx4D0Q
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